The fashion industry offers a huge selection of clothes and accessories, but the more the selection of ready-made things, the more you want something special, made to order, for example, a leather bag that will be one and only.
Fashion brands know our desires, and therefore many offer tailoring of bags to order. For example, the famous House of Fendi accepts individual orders in Italy and Paris for sewing handbags. This service is called "My bag", it allows you to come up with your own bag design based on the famous Peekaboo model.
The Fendi bag is a luxury item in its own right, and if the bag is individually designed, it is doubly luxurious and desirable. But not everything is so simple. To become the owner of the coveted bag, you will have to be patient, because the time required to tailor a leather bag to order takes from three to six months. These are the long terms for Fendi.
Beyond the waiting time, Fendi bags require royal generosity. The final cost of the bag will depend on the materials chosen and the complexity of the order, but in any case, the cost of the bag will be measured in more than one thousand dollars. Therefore, custom-made bags from famous fashion houses are available to rare girls, and the remaining 99.9% can only dream.
But why dream if you can go the other way! If you want a unique tailor-made leather bag, you don't have to look at Fendi, pay many thousands of dollars and wait six months. There are many small workshops and independent craftsmen in Russia who have been creating leather accessories for many years.
The level of products is different, some offer bags made of high-quality leather, with a dubious design at a price of $ 150-250. Others make truly designer bags that can be called a work of art at a price of $ 500-900. The quality of these items is often on par with the Fendi bags.
Of course, the bags of Russian masters are not Fendi, and cannot boast of a big name, which in itself satisfies the pride and vanity of fashionistas. But in the fashion world in recent years, they only say that individuality is in the first place in fashion now, and not the notorious fashion brands of the first echelon.