
Fuchsia color is what color - photo of images

Fuchsia color - hot pink with a lilac shade, the color of fuchsia flowers. It is difficult to explain the popularity of fuchsia, but in every fashion season, fuchsia appears in many designer collections. Perhaps his intense energy and cheerfulness makes him notice himself from afar.

The color of fuchsia is named after the flower, which is called so - fuchsia, this plant was discovered at the end of the 17th century. And the flower itself was named after the German scientist of the 16th century Leonart von Fuchs. To denote color, this word was first used in 1859. It was in this year that aniline dye was invented, which was called "fuchsin".

Each shade of purple is created by mixing red and blue. The closer the shades to red, the more passionate they become. Fuchsia belongs to the bright tones of the purple palette. This color attracts the same attention as red. It symbolizes cheerfulness, romanticism, happiness. Fuchsia color is catchy, provocative and irresistible.

Fuchsia color - photo
Fuchsia color - photo
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Fuchsia on video
Fuchsia flowers
Fuchsia flowers

Fuchsia color in clothes

The color of fuchsia in clothes is the energy and passion of red and the mystery of blue. With the help of color, we can communicate information about ourselves to others. The color will replace the words we don't speak. What is fuchsia talking about?

Fuchsia color in clothes gives a certain festivity, flirty and playful mood. A bold, decisive and cheerful color confirms that its owner is happy and in a mood for decisive actions. Fuchsia says that a woman feels pleasure when she catches admiring and even surprised looks.

Fuchsia dresses
Fuchsia dresses

The color of fuchsia is still a festive option, an evening or cocktail dress will look spectacular in an appropriate setting. In everyday looks, you can add elements in fuchsia, not forgetting that this color is very catchy and can annoy others.

When choosing dresses and other outfits, it is important to note that any fuchsia garment should have the simplest and most elegant cut.

Correctly selected colors in the clothes of a business woman are able to demonstrate not only impeccable taste, but also knowledge of business etiquette and even financial capabilities. The luxurious fuchsia color in a business attire looks advantageous in blouses, tops and accessories, especially against the background of a suit of a neutral shade. This combination lends a bold personality to the look.

A woman of any age can use a fuchsia palette in clothes, if she is confident in her perfection in the art of combining colors, without forgetting to measure. Fuchsia is chosen by confident business women who compete with men in business and intellectual development.

Fuchsia color - photos of the best images

In everyday wardrobe, fuchsia can be found in any clothing - in dresses, coats, raincoats, shoes, bags and other accessories. However, the brightness of fuchsia is so strong that it is not easy to be next to it, and therefore, in everyday outfits, it is better to use fuchsia color as accents and in accessories. Bags, scarves, shoes, belts always look attractive, add brightness and catchiness to any outfit.

Stylists suggest using the color of fuchsia in the autumn season, believing that it is during this period of the year that fuchsia looks luxurious and regal. But in winter, when the days are short, the bright fuchsia color under artificial lighting is no less luxurious. Bright color fills everything around with energy and festive mood.

In the springwhen nature awakens, all power belongs to delicate flowers, and fuchsia fades into the background, so during this period it is better to use fuchsia in accessories.

Summer - it's time for vacations, hot days, and fuchsia is appropriate here, this color emphasizes a beautiful tan and gives the skin a healthy tone. However, the color of fuchsia is quite bright, and in some cases it is necessary to create a distracting maneuver - beads, necklaces, scarves of muted shades. With the help of such accessories, the fuchsia color will “move away” from the face.

Fuchsia color - combination with other colors

Of all the colors that fuchsia is friends with, the best option is - fuchsia - white, fuchsia - black, fuchsia - gray. All three options are win-win. For example, a fuchsia blouse and a black pencil skirt, or black trousers, fuchsia dress with a black belt and black pumps, a fuchsia blouse and white trousers look luxurious.

Black and fuchsia - a great combination that gives charm and elegance to the image. Fuchsia and white. The ensemble in the combination of these colors looks fresh and elegant, especially if white is the basis in it. For example, white pants, jacket and fuchsia sandals.

Fuchsia looks noble with gray... In the evening version, you can wear silver sandals to the dress in fuchsia, this will add mystery and elegance to your image, emphasize your impeccable taste and graceful style. Silver color in perfect harmony with the fuchsia dress.

In addition to the named colors, fuchsia goes well with cream, milky and brown shades.

Fuchsia and blue - this is a bold decision, this option will be effective with the right choice of clothes and a combination of shades of blue and fuchsia. If you feel insecure about the combination of colors, you can use blue or turquoise jewelry with a fuchsia dress. Combinations of fuchsia - green, fuchsia - yellow are possible, but these options are for those who are well versed in the color palette.

Fuchsia color - combination with other colors

Fuchsia accessories

Fuchsia is a complex color and not everyone dares to declare themselves by wearing an outfit in fuchsia. If you do not decide on a dress or suit, jacket or trousers, you can always pick up some accessories or jewelry, make makeup or manicure fuchsia colors. Such a choice will be no less successful, and will give your image a "zest".

Fuchsia shoes in the form of classic high-heeled pumps always looks elegant and feminine. Fuchsia shoes combined with a black, white or gray outfit are luxurious. But with blue, turquoise, yellow or green - a bold combination, which is also very effective. Give preference to a simple cut of the dress, leaving an emphasis on bright shoes, because fuchsia loves to be the center of attention.

Fuchsia bags just like dresses, they should be laconic with minimal decor. Such a bag will suit black, white and gray outfits. Large and bulky fuchsia bags are a dangerous option. For evening outings, it is better to use small clutches, the fuchsia color will add zest to your look.

Most of us adore the color of fuchsia, and if you don't have the courage to wear a dress in fuchsia, go for accessories, shoes, jewelry, makeup or just lipstick.

Fuchsia color in clothes
Fuchsia color in clothes
Fuchsia color in clothes
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