Bridal fashion

Dolls in wedding dresses and lace

Dolls can delight us no less than pets, and at the same time they decorate even the most refined interior, the main thing to take care of the doll is to periodically change clothes, change accessories and the whole image. Now is the best time for a wedding, which means it's time to dress up our beauties in wedding dresses.

Gold wedding dress for doll

Sewing a wedding dress for a doll, for most of them an overwhelming task. You have to buy or order a dress, since a doll, unlike an ordinary bride, can show off in a wedding dress for as long as necessary. But it is not always possible to buy a new wedding dress for our baby, because these outfits are not cheap either.

Therefore, you can do it easier and use lace collars, scarves and other lace from your own wardrobe as a wedding dress. Drape lace scarves and collars on the doll so that they take the shape of the wedding dress. You can use pieces of guipure fabrics, pearls and ribbons. Dolls are ready to endure even the most uncomfortable dress, in which it is absolutely impossible to dance, the main thing is that it turns out beautiful!

Doll with handmade lace
Wedding Dresses for Bride Doll
Wedding Dresses for Bride Doll
Wedding Dresses for Bride Doll
Asymmetrical wedding dress

Lush wedding dress for a doll
Lush wedding dress for a doll
Lush wedding dress for a doll
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