Our civilization is developing rapidly, scientific and technological progress gives people new conveniences and changes the world around. Fashion is also in constant flux, striving to match the spirit of modernity. But if you remember the world and fashion 20 years ago and compare with the current state of affairs, it becomes clear - we not only gained, but also lost.
This publication does not purport to disclose all losses over the past 20 years. Let's look exclusively at model business and the models themselves. Which models showed fashion collections 20 years ago, and which ones are walking on the catwalk today? Look through the photos of the 1993-1996 collections, watch the video ...
If you look at the collections 20 years ago, you immediately notice what beautiful models then walked the catwalk, they actually shone and personified real beauty. Today everything is much simpler - most of the models are the most ordinary girls, in which there is nothing special, and some have pronounced flaws - crooked legs, an ugly face and much more, which we will not list, so as not to get personal and not offend the girls.
Now it is not customary to say - ugly, ugly, fat, wretched and rightly so, because not everyone is naturally lucky to be born beautiful. But gaining freedom and tolerance, the world of fashion has lost its luster and true luxury. Instead of real beauty, understandable to everyone, there is now non-standard beauty and mediocrity.