Glamorous pictures - Dark Fashion, on the theme of fashion, model business, in the darkest colors. Everything is gloomy, dark and gives off a mystical chill. Did you think there will be an article dedicated to the next conflict or exposure in the modeling business? tries to touch on many news from the world of fashion, but our eyes are drawn primarily to the good sides of fashion and the modeling business.
Of course in fashion industry and the world of models has a lot of problems, difficulties and negative emotions, but why focus on this? If you approach this way, you can see only the bad in everything over time, and there will be no time for the good, the bright in our life.
Remember that parable?
From the stories of one Elder, many beautiful flowers bloomed in the meadow, white lilies, hyacinths, pink roses, marigolds and tall scarlet poppies. The wind blew over the flowers, and the scent, along with the pollen, spread far, far away!
Above the clearing, bees flew and worked, collecting nectar to store honey for the long cold winter.
Suddenly, a fly appeared among the bees, it flew and looked for a place to sit down, but the flowers did not suit her, she was looking for something else.
The little bee, who appeared in the clearing for the first time, politely asked the fly:
- Do you know where the lilies grow here? The fly muttered in displeasure:
- I have not seen any lilies here!
- How? - exclaimed the young bee. I was told that beautiful lilies grow in this meadow!
- There are no flowers here, said the fly. - But not far away, beyond the meadow, there is a gorgeous ditch. The water there is delightfully fetid, and there are so many different impurities nearby!
At that moment, an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar. Upon learning what was the matter, the bee said:
- Indeed? True, but I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, Personally, I can only tell about the local lilies and roses!
So in real life among people, they are divided into two categories. The third does not exist: a person belongs either to one category, or to another. Some people are like a fly. And as you know, the fly has the feature that it always sits on everything that is fetid, dirty. Even if there are a lot of fragrant flowers around, and someone shit in the corner of the garden, a fly will fly through the whole beautiful garden without landing on any of the flowers. Only when he feels uncleanness will he immediately descend and sit on it, start digging in it, enjoying the stench arising from tedding, and cannot tear himself away from this pleasure!
Another category of people is like a bee. Bees are always looking for and find everything beautiful and sweet. Even if in a dirty room, someone in the corner puts a vase with a flower and a bee flies in there, it will fly past all the dirt and will not sit down until it finds flower.
So a person is either in the category of a fly or a bee.
Here is such a parable, and guided by it, we decided to try to find the best in the events covered.
And now glamorous pictures - Dark Fashion)))
glamorous pictures for Magazine
See also: - RELATED NEWS - Model girls and model business