Blue topaz
There are many legends about the origin of topaz, each of which is beautiful and amazing in its own way. According to one version, the minerals were named after the island where they were first discovered - on the island "Topazios" in the Red Sea.
According to another belief, the word "topaz" comes from the Sanskrit word "topazos" - heat, or from the Greek "topazos" search.
Another feature of topaz is its specific gravity, which is why it received the nickname “heavyweight” from the Ural miners. The mineral takes an honorable third place in absolute hardness, leaving only corundum and diamond ahead.
Blue topaz is most often called the “Siberian diamond” because of the brilliance that appears after cutting the stone and is similar to a diamond. Despite the high density of the crystal (-8 on the Mohs scale), topaz is very fragile; it should be handled very carefully so as not to break or damage the surface of the mineral.
Blue topaz is mined all over the world, particularly in Germany, USA, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Brazil is the main supplier of topaz in the world market, which is why topaz is often called “Brazilian sapphire.” It was in this country that the largest blue topaz in the world, weighing 1.65 kg, “Marbella”, was discovered.
There are practically no blue topaz deposits in the Urals: they are either completely depleted or mothballed for an indefinite period.
Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate Al2 (OH, F) 2SiO4. In nature, there are many shades of crystals (from yellow to blue), however, in the bright sun, the crystals can become discolored, so most topaz found on the earth's surface are colorless. The dull, slightly bluish color of topaz can be enhanced when creating jewelry by enhancing the natural properties of the stone.
Jewelers classify topaz into three main categories:
1. Sky Blue (sky blue). The least valuable and most popular stones on the jewelry market, with the lightest shades.
2. Swiss Blue (Swiss). The cost of stones is an order of magnitude higher than the first group. Crystals with medium color intensity. Most often, there are samples transformed by artificial means.
3. London Blue (London topaz). They have the most intense color. In nature, such stones practically do not exist, they are unique, and topaz, whose color characteristics are increased by irradiation, are most often sold on the market.
The magical and healing properties of topaz
Since ancient times, people believed in the extraordinary power of the stone, entrusting it with their fate, fears and desires. The ancient Greeks loved this stone very much, believing that it gives men wisdom and prudence, and helps women maintain youth and beauty.
In the Middle Ages, the stone was used for self-defense: it was believed that topaz would change its color if poison was found in food or drinks. It is possible that it is for this reason that the royal cups were often decorated with topaz.
Crusaders, on the other hand, often brought blue crystals as a souvenir from distant wanderings to their ladies as a symbol of eternal devotion and love. The sailors took jewelry with topaz on the way, as they believed that the mineral would help pacify the turbulent elements and bring the ship out of the fog.
It is believed that the mineral has a good effect on health: it cures insomnia, helps fight depression and stress. The stone is recommended for patients suffering from high blood pressure and asthma. Since ancient times, people believed that topaz is able to heal vision and fight infertility. Topaz cut in silver is best worn around the neck: this way it can fight asthma.
Of all the zodiac signs, blue topaz is most suitable for Scorpio, since it is this sign that tends to go to extremes, especially in young years.Topaz can restore balance, promote positive energy and avoid stressful situations.
Jewelry with topaz is often advised to take with you to business meetings, negotiations related to financial issues. There is a belief that the stone contributes to the attraction of wealth and fortune.
It is believed that the stone helps to cope with problems, gives self-confidence, cheers up and helps to solve difficult and important matters. It helps those who want to become better: it makes them see goals and ways to achieve them.
Blue topaz fits introverts and people who are not inclined to communicate. He will add self-confidence to them, allow them to find new friends, become pleasant and witty in communication. The stone helps to cope with anger, extinguishes negative emotions and promotes reconciliation in the family.
Modern astrologers and psychics advise you to regularly carry a topaz stone with you, it stimulates the brain, helps in making difficult decisions. Also, the mineral contributes to the disclosure of creative abilities.
The stone is advised to be worn as a pendant around the neck or on the right hand in a ring - this way it better conveys its properties. That is why topaz is often used to make amulets, amulets from the evil eye and evil spirits.
Jewelry with topaz can often be found in jewelry boxes of famous people: Victoria Beckham, Pink, Charlize Theron and Kylie Minogue, Audrey Tautou and many others.
Blue topaz in jewelry
Blue topaz is considered one of the most beautiful in jewelry making. It is often used in jewelry, experimenting with cut and shape. As a rule, no season is complete without the release of collections, wherever these amazing stones are found.
LeDiLe launched a new line of silver jewelry with blue topaz this fall. It includes earrings, rings, pendant and handmade bracelets made of 925 sterling silver. The corporate style of the brand is easily guessed in delicate elegant earrings, ideally complementing both the everyday look and the appearance.