How to lose weight fast at home
Spring is coming soon! Start trying on dresses and suits that you left in your wardrobe from last season. After all, no matter how fashion trends change, there are things that can be in our arsenal for more than one year. However, fitting may end in a spoiled mood, despondency. And all because the extra pounds somehow imperceptibly came.
Why are mono diets dangerous?Do not rush to lose weight with diets in which everything is forbidden. Mono diets are especially dangerous. Do not torment yourself with hunger or a monotonous diet in which all proteins are excluded. This should not be done, because there may be a threat of immunodeficiency (all immune cells are made up of protein molecules).
What are the dangers of strict dietsIn pursuit of fast weight loss, do not establish a strict diet. You can get constant hunger, irritation, skin and hair problems.
It is the hair will be the first to respond with their faded appearance to your experiments.
If you gained extra weight over the winter, and only after trying on dresses from last season, you discovered this, then everything is not so sad. And there is still time to restore shape, and without radical methods that offer a liter of kefir and a little fruit per day. Don't take this step.
In addition to the loss of silkiness of hair and smooth elastic skin, you can lose health. It is especially dangerous for those who already have some problems, this mostly concerns the digestive organs. By the way, after graduating from a severe diet, the body will still try to regain weight. Therefore, once and for all, you should switch to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy eating and exerciseSpring diets should be abundant in vitamins, and diets should not be too harsh. Therefore, on your table must necessarily be fermented milk products: milk, cottage cheese, poultry, lean meat (preferably boiled), fish. If you are fasting, protein can be obtained from mushrooms, soy, and legumes.
For breakfast, it is useful to eat porridge-oatmeal, better cooked in milk. This will improve bowel function. To cleanse the body, it is good to drink up to 1.5 liters of juice per day, apple or apple-carrot fresh with pulp are especially useful.
You should give up fried, salty, spicy and eat as little sweet as possible. Why? The first three cause even more appetite, and are not useful for those who already have health problems, although it must be admitted that all this is so delicious! But you want to lose weight without harming your body.
A total ban should not be imposed on sweet cakes or chocolates. Leave yourself the opportunity to eat this little tidbit at a certain time. Speaking of time. To lose weight, try to eat at the same time. The stomach and all organs get used to discipline, and will work more efficiently, which means that there will be no congestion in the body, and the metabolism will be normalized.
After winter, our body is more vulnerable to colds. He lacks fresh air, vitamins, various chronic diseases are aggravated. Vegetables and fruits will be of great help in this case. They enhance the protective properties of the body, promote cleansing, reduce body fat.
Make salads more often, which will improve the functioning of the digestive organs. During the day, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of still water. Water removes harmful substances from the body and helps burn excess fat. You can drink unsweetened tea
better green.
Nutritionists note that as soon as the weight goes down, the appetite will increase. But don't be upset. You can take advantage of the collection of herbs that dull the feelings of hunger, especially after 18.00. These are corn silk, flax seeds, duckweed and fireweed.
And of course, move more.No time? Don't take the elevator, walk. And better, of course, jogging, the time of which should be brought to 40 minutes. It is during this period of time that the process of burning fat begins. At a pulse rate of 120 beats, fat burning also begins at the time of physical activity. While jogging, you can drink non-carbonated water, and you can take food only an hour after jogging. Otherwise, fat accumulation will begin again.
And the last thing - it is better not to weigh yourself every day, so as not to get upset. Get on the scale every 2 to 4 weeks. You still have time to lose weight until spring.