Beautiful girls

Hind Hamad Al Thani and Al Mayyassa has repeatedly talked about the style of oriental women, especially we dedicated many publications to Sheikh Moz and in the future we will return to her images, but today I wanted to look at daughters of Sheikh Moz - Al-Mayyassa Hamad Al Thani and the younger Hind Hamad Al Thani.

Qatar is an absolute monarchy, the Al Thani family rules here, therefore Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani and Hind bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani can be called Qatari princesses, but they are usually called differently - Sheikha.

Al-Mayassa and Hind have a minimal age difference between them. The eldest Al-Mayassa was born in 1983, and Hind 1984, she celebrates her birthday on August 15.

Princess Hind Hamad Al Thani
Hind Hamad Al Thani
Princess Hind Hamad Al Thani

Qatar has huge reserves of oil and gas that are very easy to extract and sell, besides, Qatar has a very small population and is always warm, so the opportunities for the Al Thani family are truly fabulous. Probably, never in the past did the rulers of the East have so much wealth as Al Thani owns today, because oil and gas are energy, which means much more than simple gold.

In addition to the oil and gas industry, Qatar is developing the metallurgical industry and is doing it very successfully. According to the IMF, this small country has been leading the world by a large margin in terms of GDP per capita over the past few years.

Princesses Hind Hamad Al Thani and Al Mayyassa

Qatar is an Islamic state, therefore, there are restrictions under Sharia law. A rare woman can shine in fashionable outfits, pose for photographers and be active. Al Mayyassa and Hind are well educated and hold important positions in their world, but they cannot afford to be self-conscious on social media.

Al-Mayyassa has pages on Twitter, facebook, Instagram, Hind has only facebook, but princesses have almost no personal photos there, mostly photos of other people, conferences and various events.

Qatari Princess Hind
Hind Hamad Al Thani
Qatari Princess Hind

Any girl from Voronezh or Saransk can afford any photos on Instagram. A photo in a seductive dress, shorts and even an open swimsuit! And Al-Mayyassa and Hind can afford any outfit, but only at home, behind closed doors. At the same time, Al-Mayassa is considered a very influential woman in contemporary art.

Perhaps in the future they will be able to afford much more, because their mother Sheikha Moza made a good start and is now the ideal of a stylish woman in the Middle East.

Junior Princess - Hind Hamad Al Thani

Photo above and all photos below - Sheikh Al-Mayyassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

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