
Silver and gold rings Save and save

Save and Save rings can be worn on special occasions, such as church holidays, and can be worn every day and not taken off at night. And these rings can also play the role of wedding rings. It doesn't matter what metal your rings are made of, gold or silver. Here sacred meaning comes to the fore ...

Rings Save and Preserve are considered to be protective rings or Orthodox amulets. But this is a big mistake, rings and even crosses themselves cannot keep us, they are a symbol of our faith and a reminder of God. Only true faith and God can save and keep us from evil.

Therefore, when buying a ring, Save and Preserve, one should not perceive it as an Orthodox amulet. This approach turns the Orthodox faith into ordinary paganism and superstition. If you want to wear just amulets and talismans, you should buy rings and pendants with runes and other symbols, which are obviously positioned as occult or pagan.

Whom rings help Save and save
Whom rings help Save and save

How to wear a ring Save and save?

Silver and gold rings Save and Save can be worn on any finger of any hand, but do not put on the ring finger of your right hand if this ring is not for you wedding.

Also, wear the ring in such a way that the letters of the prayer are facing you. If you put it on the other way around, nothing bad will happen, just the essence of this ring is in the prayer that you need to read.

Silver rings Save and save

Whom do the rings Save and Preserve?

The Ring Save and Save is bought in the hope that it will constantly remind us of God, because the ring is always in sight and it seems that it should really serve as a constant reminder. But in reality, people very quickly get used to such rings, and over time they cease to be perceived as a reminder of God, but are treated as an ordinary gold or silver ring.

Only true faith fills rings and crosses with power. Although sometimes we see difficult life situations and even tragedies in which rings and crosses cannot save even true believers from evil and disease. Why it happens? The thing is that the main goal of God is to save man spiritually, because earthly life will end anyway.

Most people want to receive from God health for themselves and their loved ones, success in business and material well-being, deliverance from all problems and sorrows. In general, people hope to make their earthly life long and happy with the help of a ring and a cross. But God has completely different plans on our account, so the Save and Preserve ring may not justify our worldly hopes at all.

When a person begins a real spiritual life, instead of health and well-being, diseases, material losses and other trials can come into his reality. Therefore, if your main goal is worldly happiness, you should not rely on the help of the Save and Save ring.

Whom rings help Save and save

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