Women's shoes

Rules for the care of textile shoes

In the summer season, I especially want to wear light and elegant shoes. These properties are possessed by textile footwear, because it is so easy to combine it in various looks with multi-colored summer clothes.

But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. Textile footwear gets dirty, wears out and absorbs moisture faster. Therefore, before you buy one - the second pair of textile shoes, you should think about whether you will take care of it, because the care of textile shoes is very important?

If your answer is yes, then check out our textile shoe care guidelines.

Fashion textile shoes

1. Start right by choosing your shoes. Textile footwear should be perfect for you. Both loose and tight shoes will quickly lose their shape, folds, deformation, and scuffs will form.

2. Try to keep your shoes free from dirt and moisture.

3. Do not step on the heel when removing or putting on your shoes.

4. Do not wear textile shoes in rainy weather. But if, nevertheless, this happened, and the shoes are wet, dry them only on special form holders, away from all sources of heat.

5. Once you've bought your shoes, treat them with water repellent. This procedure will protect your shoes from possible dirt and moisture, and at the same time facilitate further care.

Fashion textile shoes

Shoe shine from textiles

Now let's move on to shoe cleaning. No matter how hard you try to protect your beloved couple, pollution is more than likely. How to clean textile shoes?

First, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations, because further care also depends on the quality and properties of the material.

Then remove any dirt from the sole. This can be done with a special brush, such as a toothbrush. When doing this, use a soapy solution. Insoles and laces must be washed separately, also in soapy water, or with washing powder. Then dry at room temperature under natural conditions, without adding any sources of heat from which the deformation of the shoes can occur.

Now let's clean the textile upper of the shoe. At home, a solution of one teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water will help. With this solution, rinse the top of the shoe with a brush, then wipe it with a clean dry cloth and dry as mentioned above.

Shoe shine from textiles

Tooth powder and a brush can help to clean white shoes. Canvas shoes should never be rinsed with water. It should only be cleaned with a brush. For shoes with sequins and embroidery, use a soft brush only.

Sometimes shoe makers allow them to be washed. This can be done manually, and even better by hand, although many people use a washing machine for this. In the latter case, the shoes will serve their life faster and this is not harmless to the car.

But if you decide to wash in a machine, first wash the soles and shoes from dirt, then put them in a textile bag, and after that you can machine wash on a delicate cycle (the laces should also be removed). Washing by hand is more troublesome, but also more gentle on the shoes. In this case, dissolve washing powder or mild soap in warm water, up to 30 ° C, wash your shoes with a brush.

Can be washed with a foam sponge. Movements should not be aggressive, wash without pre-soaking. The entire washing time should be no more than 10 minutes. Rinse your shoes thoroughly in cool water. Rinse until the water is clear to avoid yellowish soap stains.

When drying, put special shoe pads in the shoes to prevent them from deforming. The shoes should be positioned to dry so that water does not accumulate in the toe or in the heel.

Shoes should only be put on when they are completely dry, otherwise they could ruin them. The range of materials used for textile footwear is quite wide, so be attentive to the manufacturer's recommendations. Already at the time of purchase, read the tips for shoe care. This may be too troublesome for you.

Beautiful textile shoes

Shoes that cannot be washed are recommended to be cleaned with dry cleaning, that is, with a brush, and the places of contamination can be painted over with white or crayon. Many thrifty women of fashion have gotten used to cleaning black satin shoes with a swab dipped in natural coffee. However, there are special care products for textile shoes.

Textile footwear needs impregnation, since after soaking it is easier to clean it, and the appearance of the shoe remains for a long time. Various products are available - sprays, liquids, foams ...

A good product that provides long-lasting protection against moisture, dirt and stains. Invulner by Saphir and Vario Spray by Collonil, Omni Diam by Saphir and Soft Cleaner by Collonil will help extend the life and beauty of textile footwear. Spray "Nanopro" also has a long-lasting dirt-repellent effect.

These are professional cleaners that are used for soft but deep cleaning of all types of suede, nubuck, velor, synthetic and textile materials. They effectively remove stubborn dirt and stains without leaving streaks, and also refresh the color and restore its original appearance, even in the case of heavy pollution. Ideal for cleaning shoes, clothing and leather goods.

Sometimes textile footwear needs a touch-up. If it is expensive for you, use liquid products such as Nubuk Textile from Collonil.

Proper care and respect for your shoes will help maintain their attractiveness for a long time.

Basic rules for the care of textile shoes
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