
Hermes Crocodile Leather Bag with Diamonds

Bags from famous fashion brands are expensive and therefore affordable rare girls... This can be condemned and scolded, but real luxury has always been available to only a few. Chanel, Gucci and especially Hermes bags pretend to be called luxury.

Much has been written about Hermes bags, they are admired and scolded, but most often they cause surprise. They surprise not with their appearance, but with the price, which even for a model made of plain leather seems fabulous for many people. If you want to buy a Hermes crocodile leather bag, you will have to pay an amount comparable to the cost of a good car.

This is the only place where the imagination of designers and the desires of the most vain fashionistas do not end there, Hermes bags are trimmed with accessories made of gold and even diamonds. In the photo below, one of the Hermes diamond bags, it has already been used a little, but its condition can be equated to a new one.

Crocodile leather bag with diamonds
Hermes Crocodile Leather Bag with Diamonds
18-carat white gold and 10 ct diamonds.

Crocodile leather bag with diamonds

A wonderful bag in a mysterious purple color made of crocodile skin, decorated with fittings in white gold and diamonds. If you like this purple beauty, you will have to pay $ 349,950.00 for it or try to bargain with the seller. For this money, you can buy a nice apartment in Moscow or a whole village in Ukraine.

Many people, even from the fashion world, resent the cost of these bags, they claim that it would be better if this money went to feed the disadvantaged and other charities.

If you think like that, you must give up any luxury. There is no need to buy sports cars, expensive cognac, luxury apartments and, in general, everything that is above natural human needs. But people tend to create values ​​that will elevate them above the crowd and emphasize their high status and merit. Therefore, despite the crises, there will always be those who want to buy a Hermes bag made of crocodile leather with diamonds.
Do you want a bag for the price of an apartment in Moscow
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