Natural cosmetics and healthy food

Atlas cedar - essential oil and medicinal properties

Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is a cedar that grows in the Atlas Mountains, which are located in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. It is assumed that this particular type of cedar comes from the Lebanese cedar mentioned in the Bible.

Cedar is an evergreen tree that grows up to 50 meters in height. This tree is a long-liver. Recent studies claim that the life of the cedar lasts up to 800 years. By the way, the same longevity was once possessed by a person in Old Testament times. There are claims that cedar can live much longer. The trunk diameter can be up to 2 meters. The crown of the tree is spreading, and the leaves are needle-like.

Atlas cedar

There is evidence that in the 18th century giant cedars still grew in the Urals, from the trunks of which it was possible to cut boards 178 cm wide. Perhaps this was so. But the giant cedars in the Atlas Mountains still exist.

The cedar has always represented greatness. The best men in ancient times were compared by the Jews to a cedar. The iconic buildings that have survived to this day, built of solid cedar wood, still inspire admiration today. The same can be said about the Egyptian papyri. It is thanks to the cedar oil with which they were once impregnated that we can see them in museums today. And the reason is that well-soaked papyri were not accessible to insects and bacteria.

Atlas cedar

At all times, the cedar was treated with great respect, but despite this, the tree is now few in number, and there are no such giants anymore. What happened? Yes, the cedar was respected by people since ancient times, but that's why they used it for the construction of temples, in the manufacture of furniture and in the construction of ships. It is from this respect that the cedar forests have thinned out.

All types of cedars belong to the pine family

There are four types of cedar - the Himalayan cedar, or deodar, which means "the gift of the gods"; Atlas, short-coniferous and the most famous is Lebanese. Lebanese cedar forests were destroyed over time. It is believed that the Atlas cedars are related to the Lebanese.

Lebanese cedar - remains today a symbol of Lebanon. The remaining trees are currently trying to be preserved in the reserves and parks of the country.

Deodar has a pyramidal shape and gray-green needles, it grows in southern Asia. From this cedar, as well as from its counterparts, a fragrant essential oil is also obtained. The short-coniferous cedar grows in Cyprus and has darker needles. And we are just talking about the Atlas cedar.

Atlas cedar

Other types of cedars

On the territory of many countries, coniferous trees similar to cedars grow, but all of them, except for the above, are not cedars. For example, Siberian cedar is a Siberian cedar pine. By the way, there are several types of cedar pines in Russia: Siberian cedar, Korean cedar and cedar.

American cedars: Texan is a Mexican juniper; Canadian red and white cedars are thujas, etc. The pine nuts that we love are the nuts of our pine pine, but the Atlas cedar has inedible seeds.

Today the Atlas cedar is already cultivated as a cultivated plant, because the essential oil obtained from this giant tree has tremendous healing power.

Atlas cedar

Atlas cedar essential oil

Atlas cedar essential oil is obtained from needles, wood and young shoots. Most likely, the essential oil of cedar was obtained by man one of the first, because the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming.

Essential oil of cedar must be understood as a collective oil, precisely because it is made not only from different types of cedar, but in general - from trees of different conifers.These oils can have different colors: yellow, amber, orange and even brown. Most of them are liquid, but not viscous, like real cedar oil. All these oils have a pleasant, persistent and resinous smell, with woody tints, and they are similar in composition, but the ratio of the components in them is different.

It is correct to call cedar oil only those that are actually obtained from cedars.

Essential oil of cedar goes well with other oils such as sandalwood, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, bergamot, neroli, jasmine, rose, cypress, juniper, pine, clary sage, rosemary, patchouli, verbena, vetiver.

The essential oil has a viscous consistency and a warm woody smell. It contains many useful substances, in particular, such as Atlanton, Caryophyllene, Zedrol, Cadinene.

Cedar oil has been used in medicine since ancient times. The earliest written sources that say this are more than 5,000 years old. In folk medicine, cedar oil is often used. Currently, cedar essential oil is obtained from wood and young shoots by distillation with water vapor.

Atlas cedar - essential oil

Medicinal properties of cedar

The healing properties of cedar have been known since ancient times. Cedar nut oil has long been used in medicine, cosmetics and perfumery, as well as in embalming. Cedar wood has a very strong aroma as it contains essential oil. Its scent repels ants, termites, mosquitoes, moths and other insects.

Cedar oil has been and is used as incense in Tibetan temples and in Tibetan medicine. Aromatherapists claim that it is able to fill the soul with a sense of peace and tranquility. Cedarwood oil relieves nervous tension and has a tonic and stimulating effect on the entire body.

Cedar oil is an excellent wound healing and anti-burn remedy; it is enough to soak a napkin with oil and apply it to the damaged area. It is successfully used in dentistry for periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity. Cedar oil helps with osteochondrosis and arthritis, relieves pain and inflammation of the joints, for which you need to mix 5 - 7 drops of cedar oil with 10 ml of olive or almond oil and rub the affected area of ​​the body with this mixture.

It is used for baths with cystitis and urethritis, for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract - in the form of inhalation, with bleeding gums - in the form of rinsing.

If you mix 1 drop of oil with 0.5 teaspoon of an emulsifier (soda, salt, honey) and dilute the resulting mixture in a glass of warm water, you can rinse your mouth with this composition several times a day. The results will not be long in coming.

Atlas cedar - essential oil

The use of cedar nut oil in cosmetics

Atlas cedar oil in cosmetology and dermatology is considered one of the most potent. It rejuvenates, improves skin elasticity, contributes to oxygenation of skin tissues and enhances lymph flow and blood circulation. Cedar nut oil is recommended especially for oily skin care. But with the addition of the appropriate base oils, it can be used for any skin type.

For example, cosmetic ice: mix 3 drops of oil with 1 teaspoon of honey or cosmetic cream, dilute the resulting mass in 200 ml of water, divide into portioned cassettes and freeze. These ice cubes can be used to wipe your face, neck and décolleté in the morning and evening.

Atlas cedar oil is a wonderful remedy for the skin of the face... It is used as a mild astringent, and its antiseptic properties can successfully eliminate inflammation, dermatitis and even eczema.

The oil prevents hair loss, stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff and is considered one of the most effective remedies for hair loss in men and women.

For hair care, the following recipe can be used to induce hair growth:

mix -
oils of cedar, rosewood, rosemary - 1 ml each,
lemon oil - 2 ml,
ylang-ylang and pistachios - 0.5 ml each.
Add 3-5 drops of this mixture to your shampoo and wash your hair. For medicinal purposes, such a remedy can be used every other day.

There is another option to enhance hair growth: 2 - 3 hours before washing your head, rub a mixture of oils into the skin:

- if the fat content of the hair is increased - a mixture of cedar and jojoba oils - 5 drops per 10 ml of base;
- if there is excessive dryness of the hair - a mixture of cedar and almond (olive) oils - 5 drops per 10 ml.

Oil masks

The third recipe for hair care

Main ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 egg yolk, 15 drops olive oil, essential oils of cedar and rosemary 3 drops each.

First, add essential oils to the honey. If honey is not liquid, it must first be melted in a water bath, but it should not be overheated, since honey loses its beneficial properties at high temperatures. Then add olive oil and yolk to the mixture, mix again until a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained.

Apply the mask to the hair and wrap it up with a towel. After 30 minutes, the mask can be washed off with shampoo. Atlas cedar essential oil has lymphatic drainage properties, and therefore it is often used in anti-cellulite products. Thanks to cedar oil, edema is eliminated, the breakdown of fats is accelerated, and excess fluid is removed.

You can do an anti-cellulite massage based on natural remedies on your own: add 10 drops of cedarwood oil to 10 ml of almond oil - the mixture is ready. This massage is quite effective ...

Cedar and lemon oil mask

To strengthen nails, the best remedy is a mixture of cedar and lemon oils (1: 1).

If you are using cream or gel in a jar, or milk in a bottle, add 3-5 drops of cedarwood oil to these containers. You will get your own wonderful remedy, almost natural. Cedarwood oil rejuvenates the skin, soothes and improves its elasticity.

Cedar oil is used in both aromatherapy and perfumery. Aromatherapists claim that cedar nut oil, its aroma will help relieve irritability, concentrate, collect thoughts, and therefore cedar nut oil is recommended for those who study or do business.

Atlas cedar - essential oil and medicinal properties

Removing fatigue

Bath with cedar oil. 4-8 drops are dissolved in an emulsifier and added to a bath filled with warm water, mixed. Now he can lie down quietly for 15 - 20 minutes. This procedure is advisable before bedtime. Actually, you can create coziness in your home with the help of Atlas cedar essential oil and an aroma lamp. This requires only 4 drops of oil.

You will soon notice how things have changed. You became more confident, calmer, felt your own strength and health. Usually, women also strive to create a romantic, intimate atmosphere. Cedar nut oil, although not a member of the aphrodisiac oil family, is nevertheless an excellent stimulant in an erotic sense.

Many essential oils, including cedar, are not recommended for use during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, with increased nervous excitability and with severe kidney and heart diseases. Do not use oil at high dosages, as it can irritate the skin. And in general, when using oil, be careful - do not touch your eyes, it irritates the mucous membranes.

Siberian cedars or, more correctly, cedar pine in Russia are also used in medicine and cooking: they prepare food, cedar oil from nuts, and medicinal decoctions from bark, needles and resin.

Perfumery - this is exactly the area in which cedar is used very often, and all those types of cedars that were described above, including conifers called cedars. Cedarwood oil has warm woody tones, creates a special depth, brightness and richness of sound. Cedar oil is also used in perfumery as a fixative.

The aroma of cedar will give you pleasure, creating a special festive atmosphere, surround with bright and at the same time warm shades.

Eau de parfum
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