Cosmetics and makeup

Halloween - photos of girls from past holidays

For Russians, Halloween is relatively new, and has not yet managed to acquire traditions similar to those that exist in the United States and Europe, where Halloween has been celebrated for a long time. But we do not need these traditions, we have our own traditions and a rich history. And we like Halloween only for the opportunity for one evening to turn into any character, from a fairy mermaid to a real one. Countess Bathory.

Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Saints' Day, and is considered the only day of the year when the spirits of the dead can return to the world of the living. Therefore, this holiday is associated with the rampant of all kinds of evil spirits, which is reflected in our images. I talked many times about all the components of the image, from makeup and manicure to dresses and accessories.

Halloween - photos of the best images

We recently discussed halloween bride image, this look is very good and affordable if you use a tainted wedding dress written off in a rental salon or bought by ad. And today we will see the brightest photos of girls from Halloween.

Halloween - photo of girls

photos of the best images for girls

Actresses, models and other celebrities celebrate Halloween on a special scale. Many people want to get to the main Halloween party in Beverly Hills, because this is an additional chance to remind the media and their fans about themselves. Celebrities dress up in chic suits in order to attract the attention of photographers and get on the covers of magazines and pages of gossip sites for several days.

Actresses and models sometimes get chic images, they can be taken as examples, but it is not at all easy to repeat this. Celebrities have extensive experience of transformation, stylists, makeup and costume designers work for them, and they can afford to spend a lot of effort and money on a festive look.

For ordinary girls, all this is not available, so we will focus on photos of ordinary girls or fashion bloggers from Halloween of past years. These photos can serve as a source of inspiration for creating your own unique image. And if you do not have original ideas, you can completely repeat the image you like.

Halloween - photos of the best images for girls
Original Halloween makeup

Original Halloween makeup
Original Halloween makeup
Original Halloween makeup
Original Halloween makeup

Beautiful images for Halloween
Beautiful images for Halloween
Beautiful images for Halloween
Beautiful images for Halloween
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