Bella Hadid and modern beauty standards

The most popular models are beauties that all girls want to be like! All fashion magazines and women's media write eulogies to top models and constantly express admiration. Let's just try to look at these models and modern beauty standards more honestly. Which of today's top models can be called truly beautiful?

5-7 years ago, many beautiful models appeared on the catwalk, earlier beauty in the fashion world was met even more often, but in recent years everything is changing rapidly. There are almost no beautiful faces on the catwalks, and we follow the lead of the opinion leaders and admire these models, subscribe to them on social networks, take the time to follow their lives, write comments on photos and put likes.

Bella Hadid's secret of success

Take a look at model Bella Hadid, who has 16 million Instagram followers and is rated the best model of the year by a reputable modeling site. I have nothing against Bella and do not envy her success, it just looks strange. Bella has not only a plain-looking appearance, she has many defects and imperfections in her appearance. Bella is completely ugly, looks much older than her years, and she is always the same, her face is constantly stern and angry.

I like it now Bella Khair Hadid, it is interesting to watch her on the podium, but nothing more. It does not cause admiration, and in general, it attracted my attention due to active discussion in the media. If you remove all these publications and numerous covers, it merges with a faceless gray mass.

Top model Bella Hadid

Even when makeup artists put the best makeup on Bella, she doesn't become a beauty. When you see this "supermodel" without makeup, you wonder how bad she looks in her years, and how nature cheated the girl! Her leadership among top models clearly demonstrates the degeneration of beauty standards.

Why top models look like regular girls

The beauty industry is being led by consumers. All brands want to sell more cosmetics and perfumes, so they invite more and more poor models to please the feelings of ordinary people who, seeing flawless models, feel offended and oppressed.

Everyone has the right to happiness, no one should be humiliated by society, but we are not equal from birth, beauty is given to some in full, others have to work a lot on themselves in order to get closer to beauty. It's hard to work on yourself, it's easier to go the simple way and convince yourself that everything is fine, and when there are many examples, like Bella, it becomes even easier.

Top model Bella Hadid

If a person devotes all his strength to spiritual development, without attaching importance to material beauty, such behavior is justified and deserves admiration. But now people almost do not know what spiritual life is, most live with various illusions and momentary primitive desires, and move away from beauty because of their own laziness and weakness.

The life of people without clear standards of beauty promises to be simpler, but then why lie, calling Bella beautiful? She can be called successful in the field of modeling business, but she is deprived of beauty. If fashion follows the path of simplification, it is more honest to remove the word beauty from circulation altogether, and to come up with new concepts and qualities ...

Top model Bella Hadid
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