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Why leopard print won't go out of style forever

A lot of negativity has been said on the topic of leopard print, but it is not going to disappear from fashion collections, but only develops and adapts to new realities. Why is this happening, why does this cat inspire new generations of designers and fashionistas?

Fashion trends are imperceptibly woven into our minds and dominate aesthetic preferences. Therefore, many perceive with horror the images of the decades past, and then reconsider their views and, conversely, draw inspiration. Until recently, all stylists ridiculed Russian fashion of the 1990s, and in recent seasons, images from the 1990s served as a source of inspiration for new collections of famous brands.

leopard print

Some trends may go away for a long time or forever, but this does not apply to nature and the animal kingdom. Animal prints, like cats, will always be. At one time there are more of them, then less. Now it seems that cats live in every house, but this was the case before. Look at the photos of these men, their images look funny in our time, and the cats, as always, are relevant! A similar story with animal prints - the beauty of nature, birds, plants and fauna will be important for people as long as they remain human.

A man with a cat
A man with a cat
A man with a cat
Photo 1980
Photo 1980
Photo 1980
Photo 1980
Predatory cat
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