Useful little things

How to choose beautiful women's socks

Which socks should a woman choose? It is generally believed that women should only wear tights or stockings, but this is far from the case. Keeping your feet warm and beautiful at the same time is often impossible. After I consulted women on image issues, it became clear that no client even had an idea of ​​what socks to wear.

It's clear with tights - they should be only black or flesh-colored, but what if the dress code allows a woman to wear sneakers, sneakers, boots? Men often stare at our feet, and sometimes it is the socks that become the detail that spoils the whole style and image of a slender beauty or a passionate seductress. Below I will list just 5 simple rules that every woman should follow.

Women socks

Women's socks - 5 rules for choosing

Rule # 1. Socks should only be solid.

This rule applies to both women and men. Leave your bunny socks, stripes, arrows, etc. for purely home use. For both men and women, the rule is one - only one tone. Also, there should not be any inscriptions or drawings on the visible part of the sock (bootleg).

Now, almost all world manufacturers have switched to embroidery-inscriptions either of one color (this allows you to distinguish a fake), on the sole of the foot, or even refuse it altogether.

Rule # 2. Absolutely unacceptable colors.

There are colors that are totally unacceptable. For example, the color of gray looks rather dirty, and therefore should be excluded from your wardrobe forever.

People will think that you have not a gray, but a very dirty white sock, so the impression will immediately be unpleasant. You also need to get rid of brown, burgundy, etc. shades. They also do not carry any positive connotation.

Women socks

Rule # 3. With jeans, you are completely free in your choice.

There are usually three guidelines to help you find the color you want. The first is the color of your shoes, the socks can contrast with the visible part, they can merge with it, some ladies try to select the color of the socks based on the inner color of your shoes, for example sneakers. This is very useful because even with strong perspiration, the inner part of the shoe will never get dirty, and even if it is stained, it will not be noticeable.

Pink and blue socks are versatile for any woman. If you really want to stand out, you can pick up socks in catchy colors (orange, red, yellow, light green, purple, lilac). But remember Rule # 1.

pink socks

Rule # 4. Sports socks and tights with sneakers.

It is undesirable to wear socks without shins (short, sports socks), footprints, as your bare leg will be visible from the sneaker. The same applies to stockings and tights. If you are wearing nylon nude socks, they should stand out a little. It shouldn't feel like you're wearing a shoe on bare feet. All these things are suitable only for shoes and ballet flats.

The top of the sock should be 3-4 centimeters higher, but not more than 5 centimeters. If you sit cross-legged, your sock should be visible, but unlike the masculine tone, which requires that the bare leg is not visible, the woman, on the contrary, needs it. It shouldn't feel like you're wearing knee-highs.

Socks for girls

Rule # 5. "Top" and "Bottom" can be the same.

It is recommended that you wear socks that can match your top. If you are wearing a pink sweater, pink socks are perfect. If you put on a bright green jacket, bright green socks and your personality will accentuate, and are suitable in terms of compatibility with clothes.

I also noticed from my clients that girls usually wear socks that contrast with their hair, and this is generally correct. For example, black socks are better for a blonde, and white or nude for a brunette.

Each woman's wardrobe should have at least 2 "rainbow" pairs of socks (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple), plus 2 pairs of black, white and nude. At the same time, it is advisable to have both thin everyday cotton socks and several pairs of thicker winter socks (here the best colors are black, white and red).

Do not forget that correctly selected socks are also part of our image, the way everyone looks at us, including men. Try to never criticize your style yourself, but just love it. And everything will work out.

How to choose women's socks
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