Bridal fashion

Wedding diadem for the bride

If you want to look like a fairytale princess, a wedding tiara will add a bright and exciting touch to your look. The wedding diadem is the prototype of the wreath. In history head jewelry originally the diadem is found in the East, where we see it as a symbol of the high position held. It was a ribbon of precious metal, into which the gems.

The ancient Romans at first had an olive and laurel wreath as a symbol of power and glory. Women and men in ancient times wore a metal hoop that supported their hair. The wealthier and noble ones decorated the hoop with stones or ribbons. Then a diadem appeared, which during the time of the Roman emperors was transformed into a crown - a symbol of supreme power.

Wedding diadem

In ancient Russia hair girl decorated with wreaths of flowers and ribbons. On more solemn occasions, a kokoshnik was worn, which was in the form of a metal ribbon decorated with embroidered ornaments and flowers. For the wedding, he was decorated with ribbons, pearls, precious stones.

In different countries and in different eras, the shape and decoration of the diadem differed from each other.

When wigs came into fashion, ladies, to cover the edge of the wig near the forehead, wore a gold hoop decorated with precious stones. Gradually, wigs fell out of fashion, and the hoops became thinner, sleeker and moved farther and farther from the edge of the forehead, revealing the hair. At the beginning of the 19th century, in the era of the Empire style, hairstyles and outfits reminiscent of the ancient world appeared, so ladies often adorned their hair, tied in a knot at the back of the head with a hoop or diadem.

Wedding diadem

The beauty of the diadem, its grace and belonging to the sublime, the image of bygone times - all this served to make the diadem one of the most fashionable elements among wedding accessories. If you also want to visit the role fairy princess and decided to include a tiara in a wedding dress, then we advise you to take a closer look at your outfit (have you already chosen it or at least presented it?).

Is a diadem right for you? What is yours Wedding Dress, what hairstyle is planned? What is the style of the whole wedding dress?

Tiaras are different, they can be worn with or without a veil. Moreover, dresses can be in the style of a princess, and in a modern style. Long or short hair will look equally beautiful under the tiara. Pay attention to the shape of your face. For your face, you will choose exactly the one that is good for you. If you have a round face, choose the shape of the tiara slightly elongated upward, or one in which there is an elevation in the middle, and the edges are somewhat narrowed. If the face is long and narrow, a round diadem of small height is suitable, it is better to have the same thickness along the entire length, you can choose a rim.

Wedding diadem

One more nuance. What color is your dress and what is the decor on it?
Tiara in the form of a silver crown, embellished white pearls or rhinestones, it goes very nicely with a white dress or a shiny white dress. If the dress is of a different color, you need to pay attention to how the diadem is decorated, what color are stones, rhinestones or flowers. And it is necessary to choose a tiara in accordance with the color palette of the entire wedding dress. A gold-colored diadem is also possible.
Depending on the decor of the dress, it is necessary to choose the diadem accordingly. If the dress is tight, in this case the diadem with geometric patterns will make you a real princess.

If the dress is decorated flowers, the diadem can also be decorated with flowers, but in this case, a headband with flowers or with one large flower will look great. Take a closer look at your dress, what kind of flowers are on it.

A wedding tiara with pearls should be matched to a gown embellished with pearls. But a dress without any jewelry will look very elegant with such a diadem. Here you can find pearl earrings.
The main thing is that everything should be in moderation.

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