How to distinguish a real Orenburg scarf from a fake
Knitting of Orenburg downy shawls is one of the oldest and most famous folk crafts of the region, which is its hallmark and cultural heritage. Usually, the Orenburg region most often evokes associations with downy shawls and shawls.
For more than 200 years, the fishery has experienced a colossal rise, gained a world name, and then was almost completely destroyed and undeservedly forgotten. Thanks to the activities of a number of not indifferent people and several organizations that set a goal - the revival of the craft, today they talk about the Orenburg downy shawl again, and the craft is gradually returning the once lost positions.
It will be about one of such organizations, specifically, about the trade and production company "OrenburgShal".
The company was founded in 2009 by two residents of Orenburg, who set themselves the goal of "reviving" the down-knitting trade in the classic form in which our ancestors knew it, and in which it gained world fame and recognition. In this regard, the principles of the production sector of the company are almost identical to those of the legendary downy cooperatives.
The production employs the most real hereditary craftswomen, adopting the experience of their mothers and grandmothers, the same one that was passed down from generation to generation and improved over the years, some of them are former employees of downy cooperatives and factories who were left without work after the collapse of most of the industries in 1990 years.
The company does not stop looking for knitters throughout the region, from time to time discovering new talent.
Most of the products of "OrenburgShal" are handicrafts, in some cases, for example, for knitting the middle of some shawls, knitters can use a manual machine, the same one used in the oldest puffartels.
Some employees are owners of their own small workshops with equipment and raw materials provided by the organization (only real combed down of Orenburg goats, which is the basis of a quality product).
The trade sector of the company is represented by its own online store, which delivers Orenburg shawls and other products made of goat down practically all over the world. The organization has a large client base, including customers from European countries, Canada, Australia and the United States.
One of the most important features of "OrenburgShal" is the presence of the state document "Name of the Place of Origin of the Goods" (hereinafter referred to as AO).
The fact is that since the name of the Orenburg downy shawl is a full-fledged trademark, it was not spared by the fact that at all times concerned all brands: they began to fake it. Below you can see examples of such products.
A huge number of organizations are engaged in counterfeit products, while stubbornly passing off their products as real Orenburg scarves. There are many tricks used by unscrupulous manufacturers, ranging from replacing the Orenburg fluff with coarser and cheaper analogues, ending with the banal resale of the so-called "Uzbek woman".
The presence of NMPT is the only document that is a guarantee of product quality and only on its basis there are grounds to say that the company is the manufacturer of the Orenburg downy shawls. Everything else is shady and illegal trade in counterfeits, falling under a number of articles, including "fraud".
To obtain an IMPT, an organization needs to go through a large number of checks and state expert commissions, which OrenburgShal has successfully done.For some time now, the company has included in the list of its main tasks the fight against counterfeits, the trade in which tarnishes the name of the Orenburg downy shawl in the eyes of buyers.
Trading and manufacturing firm "Orenburg Shal" has been successfully operating for 9 years, constantly expanding the production staff, and is one of the few suppliers of real, high-quality down products from Orenburg today. This organization and its products are a regular "guest" of prestigious exhibitions, forums and conferences. The company strives to expand knowledge of down knitting by partnering with art experts and academics.
The company calls its mission the revival of the down-knitting industry in the Orenburg region and an irreconcilable fight against counterfeits that have flooded the Russian and world markets.
Today "OrenburgShal" is one of the most famous companies in the market of Orenburg downy shawls, a recent participant in a large exhibition in Italy and an organization that continues to develop dynamically with its own policy, goals and a state quality mark.