Hair care

How to maintain hair color for longer after dyeing

Beautifully and stylishly dyed hair, along with a fashionable wardrobe, is an important component of the image of many girls, because not everyone is satisfied with the natural hair color. However, it so happens that women of fashion do not admire the beautiful tints, shine and silkiness of thick curls for long.

After the painstaking work of the master, time and money spent on acquiring a luxurious look of hair, the super result is quickly lost. A beautiful color obtained with such difficulty must be protected - cared for and cherished, since the paint pigments are very capricious. Hair can quickly fade, change color, become brittle and lifeless. Colored hair is affected by water, high temperatures, hairdryer, ultraviolet light, etc.

How to keep your hair color longer

In order for your curls to retain bright overflows and a juicy shade, you need to take care of them. Try to follow a few rules.

How to maintain the color and shine of your dyed hair

1. The first thing you can do is not wash your hair for 48 hours after dyeing.
When the dyeing process takes place in the salon, then most of us, having come home, consider it necessary to wash off that part of the paint that has been imprinted somewhere in a conspicuous place - on the forehead, near the ear ... Thus, the paint pigments are washed out. However, if you wait two days, the pigments interacting with oxygen will fix in the hair, and in the future it becomes more difficult to wash them.

2. Use colored hair shampoos to wash your hair.

Conventional shampoos contain sulfates, which in the process of washing raise the hair scales and thoroughly wash them, and with it the paint pigments. Shampoos for colored hair do not contain sulfates, and have a more acidic environment, close to the pH of the skin, which allows you to keep the dye in your hair. At the same time, in the process of washing, the hair scales are smoothed out.

3. Within two weeks after dyeing, you should not use products for deep nourishment and hair restoration, since their components, penetrating into the deep layers of the hair, displace the pigment. It is better to perform these procedures a week before staining.

How to keep your hair color longer

4. After staining, refrain from visiting the pool and sauna for two weeks. In the pool, chlorine can negatively affect dyed hair, and in the sauna, high temperatures can help displace the pigment from the hair. Use filters to improve the quality of the water you wash your hair. Tap water can destroy not only the dye, but the hair itself. Wear waterproof caps in the pool, use special hair conditioners.

5. Use moisturizers for your hair. Coloring makes the hair thirsty for moisture, it becomes drier and does not hold the dye well. Moisturizers contain panthenol, vitamins that retain moisture inside the hair and protect against the negative effects of the sun, hot air and tap water. These products include moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, and various masks.

6. Apply lines for brunettes, blondes and redheads.

These funds will help to preserve its color, maintain its brightness. Shampoos, masks and balms from these lines tone the hair, maintain the color acquired after dyeing. All these funds have a special composition. For example, for light hair, they contain extracts of lemon, chamomile, wheat proteins, which give the hair a golden hue.

Masks for redheads may contain extract of cinnamon, madder root, pomegranate, cherry.

8 rules for preserving color and shine of colored hair

In the composition of shampoo for brunettes, it can be basma, walnut extract. All of these products enhance the brightness of the color and give the hair a natural shine.However, shampoos with a toning effect also dry out the hair somewhat, and this again threatens to wash out the paint. Therefore, they should not be used often, preferably once a week or even once every two weeks.

7. Apply protective sprays and SPF to hair.

Hair dryers and the sun's rays help the dye evaporate from the hair. And thermal protective sprays, creams, oils protect hair from the effects of temperatures, retain moisture, enveloping the hair with a film, thereby maintaining the color. In addition, wear beautiful hats, which can now be chosen for any look.

Hair dryers, curling irons, irons are essential tools for the beauty of a modern woman. However, refrain from all procedures involving a high temperature for at least a week after staining. Use thermal protection.

8. Never wash your hair with hot water.

Hot water dries the scalp and flushes the dye out of the hair much faster, it is better to use water at room temperature for washing, and slightly cooler for conditioning the hair.

How to maintain the color of your dyed hair

In addition to those products that are easy to use on your own at home, you can go to the salon, where they will offer a variety of procedures of your choice. All of them are aimed at smoothing the hair scales, which makes it possible to preserve the dye longer, and therefore the health of the hair. After all, each hair color is a trauma to them. And the more damaged the hair, the more difficult it is for the coloring pigment to hold on.

But no matter how hard we try, the dye from the hair is washed off every time I wash my head. Shampoos for colored hair, sulfate-free, contain fixing ingredients, but do not solve the problem. Some women try to wash their hair less often, but this is also not a way out of a problem situation.

Some hairdressers advise dyeing hair “on a dirty head”, others - on the contrary, “on a clean one”. In the first case, the explanation is that it is necessary for the sensitive scalp, and in the second - that the dye fits better on clean hair. By the way, almost all manufacturers say on the contrary that the paint lays on "dirty hair" better. The former argue with the latter, etc. But one thing is important, that dyeing injures the hair, so you need to try to keep the dye longer, in other words, dye your hair less often, and groom and cherish the already dyed ones.

To keep your hair rich in color. Essentiel has developed the Color Lock line with the Lipido Chromatique dual action formula. The lipid formulation prevents pigments from being washed out while protecting and maintaining the original color. This line consists of products that complement and enhance each other's action: masks for color brightness, two-phase spray, shampoo, cleansing balm, cream. Thanks to their work, you will preserve the shade of your hair until you see regrown roots.

How to keep your hair color longer
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