How can a girl grow taller than her parents
In the light of the latest trends, we are convinced that everyone is equally beautiful, and even fat little ones are no worse than slender and tall ones. Despite this, on a subconscious level, we are more drawn to
tall and slender... Therefore, it is better to be tall and slender. Only changing your height after 17 years is an almost impossible task.
Most girls grow actively from 10 to 15 years old, then growth slows down and stops. Usually, at the age of 15-17, a girl reaches her constant growth. With age, she can only become lower if she slouches and leads the wrong lifestyle. It can also grow in width, in which many are very successful.
At the age of 10-15, a rare child understands how to eat and what to do in order to grow taller than his parents. Therefore, it is the task of the parents to have knowledge and create all the conditions for the best development of the child.
What Factors Affect Girls' Growth?
According to scientists, genes have the greatest influence on our growth. There are even formulas for calculating the height of an unborn child. For girls, the formula looks like this:
Formula for girls: (father's height? 0.923 + mother's height) divided by 2. The result obtained is not accurate, an error of plus or minus 5 centimeters is allowed.
Scientists devote their whole lives to the study of sciences and phenomena, but they are often wrong. I myself am an example of this - my height is 20 centimeters taller than my father! Genetics is not an easy science, and there are still many discoveries ahead of scientists. The most important thing is that in addition to genetics, there are other growth factors, it is they who must be paid attention to.
The most active growth phase for girls occurs between the ages of 10 and 15. During this period, it is necessary to create all conditions for the girl to grow as much as possible.
Girls grow most actively in spring and summer. In autumn, growth also continues, but mostly in volumes, the body accumulates resources for the winter period. Therefore, it is in the spring and summer that special attention should be paid to nutrition, to choose those products that contribute to growth. And you also need to do simple exercises.
1. Balanced diet. Here we will not analyze the entire diet of a child; whole books have been written on this topic. You just need to know - proper nutrition is important throughout life, and at the age of 10-15 years, in spring and summer, special attention should be paid to nutrition.
A child's height can be increased by 10 percent only through nutrition. 10 percent is a lot! Even if the height of the mother and father is 160 centimeters, the daughter can grow 176 centimeters due to the right products.
Growth hormone is important here. For this hormone to be stimulated in the girl's body, she needs healthy protein foods and vitamins. The girl's diet should contain cottage cheese, lean boiled meat, fish, crabs and other seafood. Useful liver, butter little, milk, nuts, fresh herbs,
berries and fruits... Do not forget about vegetables - grated carrots with olive oil are also an excellent choice for a growing girl.
2. Sweets are a favorite treat for most children. Only glucose suppresses growth hormone! Most of the sweets are also made from questionable foods. According to many scientists, sweets can harm not only teeth and skin, but also slow down growth. Therefore, do not teach your child to sweets, cakes and buns. Let him eat berries, fruits and some honey. Then she will be grateful.
I was not bought ice cream, sweets and cakes as a child. Instead of sweets, I was fed different berries. This has had a positive impact. She grew up tall, and sweets are absolutely indifferent. A lot of girls and women can't resist pastry, but I don't care about anything.
At an early age, you can develop bad habits, and then fight them all your life, or you can raise a child with good habits, then your girl's life will be much better.
3. Medicines. Some medications can stunt growth. For example, a group of drugs called corticosteroids can inhibit growth. In general, all medications containing hormones or affecting hormones can have a negative effect.
4. Home horizontal bar - a good helper not only for boys. To accelerate growth in spring and summer, the girl needs to periodically go to the horizontal bar during the day and just hang on it, as long as possible, until she gets tired. In addition to growth, the horizontal bar has a good effect on posture. When the girl hangs on the horizontal bar, the spine straightens. If a horizontal bar becomes a habit, like brushing your teeth and washing your face, it will really help you grow and be slim!
5. Sun and ultraviolet light. A child can be raised in different ways, some constantly take their children to the beach and spend many hours there, other parents protect the girl from the sun. Scientists recommend a reasonable balance. A child should not play for hours on the beach, but it is not good to sit at home either. Ultraviolet light in small doses stimulates growth, and an excess of sunlight slows down growth and creates prerequisites for the appearance of age spots, moles and wrinkles in the near future.
6. The psychological state of the girl. The growth of a child depends on the state of mind and life satisfaction. Scientists even use this formulation - psychosocial short stature. If there are constant scandals in the family, the child sees all this, the production of growth hormone also decreases. Only here everything is much more complicated than with food. It is completely unrealistic to derive a formula for growth, development and happiness for a child from a problem family.
Different children from the same family may perceive reality in very different ways, but they often learn weaknesses and vices more easily. Therefore, set a good example, and do not just explain in words how to live. The child's future depends on us, because children often do not know what is best for them.