Hair care

Early gray hair - causes and treatment

Today we will talk about early gray hair. It is this situation that can somehow be corrected. As for the graying, which occurs when it is already over 50, then, according to trichologists, until the means to turn back time have not been found.

In young people, this situation can be corrected, it is enough to change the diet and you can successfully resist graying. However, trichologists warn that in this case, too, it will not be possible to significantly affect the pigmentation of the hair if it concerns the inherited gray hair. But everything happens individually.

Hair turns gray. They lose the melanin pigment. Melanin produced by melanocytes - cells located at the base of the hair. Their number and activity decreases with age. A hormone that stimulates the formation of melanin is produced by the pituitary gland.

How to deal with early gray hair

With age, the body decreases not only the production of individual hormones, but also the content of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other substances that make up the melanin molecules, for example, cysteine, copper, B vitamins, sulfur. All these substances and elements are necessary for hair and for the restoration of its color.

Recent studies have shown that hair follicles do not stop producing melanin as we age, they simply lose the ability to retain it. Early gray hair often appears for various reasons or for several of them at once.

Women who are constantly on diets and those who are dismissive or selective about their diet turn gray early. Among the early graying, you can often see strict vegetarians.

The reasons for the early appearance of gray hair can be:

metabolic disease;

deficiency of B vitamins, especially vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid;

lack of copper in the body; copper plays an important role in the production of melanin;

the cause of early gray hair may be a lack of the amino acid tyrosine in the body,
contained in products of animal origin;

and finally, stress; lack of food is also stress for the body, therefore, using a rigid diet, you provoke this condition;

among the reasons should be named and heredity.

How to deal with early gray hair

What foods in the diet can be called ambulance products?

Healthy hair requires protein, glucose, vitamins, minerals.

Noticing the first gray hair, you can still stop this process, or at least slow it down. To do this, you need to introduce into your diet foods containing B vitamins, and in particular foods that are sources of pantothenic acid. These are meat, fatty sea fish, nuts, legumes, herbs and brewer's yeast.


Almonds improve the body's ability to produce catalase, another enzyme involved in fighting graying. The study of this ability of almonds has been confirmed by experience. You can check it too. If you consume 80 - 90 grams of almonds per day, in a month the results should be noticeable, namely in increasing the level of catalase in the blood by 10%. Catalase is the main primary antioxidant in the defense system. Therefore, you can expect changes in the quality of your hair.

Almonds for gray hair

Fruits and vegetables

Free radicals damage cells, including those that produce pigment. And fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain several types of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

To stop the graying process, include in the diet: berries, asparagus, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, bell peppers, bananas, oranges.

Walnuts are one of the sources of copper. They are also rich in B vitamins, biotin, vitamin E and omega oils.

Add dairy and fermented milk products, chicken and quail eggs to your diet.

In addition to the products necessary for nutrition, you can use multivitamin complexes, among them Complivit-Radiance, Duovit, Pantovigar, Perfectil, Alphabet-Cosmetic, Vitrum-Beauty.

Hair and scalp masks

In addition to proper nutrition, special masks for hair and scalp will help. For masks, you can use fruits and vegetables containing vitamins, for example, cherries, cherries, apricots, pears, onions.

Castor oil mask

One of the best masks is considered to be a castor oil mask, which is applied one hour before shampooing. It is better to use heated oil. Spread evenly through hair, paying attention to the scalp and create a greenhouse effect (cover with plastic wrap, then towel). Rinse off the mask with shampoo, preferably sulfate-free.

You can add honey to castor oil (for three tablespoons of oil - one teaspoon of honey). For oily hair, add one teaspoon of lemon juice instead of honey.

Hair Mask

Pepper tincture masks

Pepper tincture can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself.


2 tsp pepper tincture mix with 3 tsp. burdock oil (you can castor, argan, etc.), 3 tsp. conditioner for hair, 3 drops of essential oil (mint, rosemary, lavender, cedar, etc. work well). Lubricate the hair and scalp with this composition, keep under the film and insulation for 40-60 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo. Such procedures should be done 2 times a week.


Mix pepper tincture, water and any oil (linseed, castor or burdock, etc.) in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, apply to the roots and to the entire length of the hair. Keep under a film and insulation (towel, textile or knitted hat) for 40 - 60 minutes. Then wash off with sulfate-free shampoo.

On the basis of pepper tincture, you can write many recipes, just replace one oil with another in each of them and add 2-3 drops of various essential oils.

You can rub pepper tincture, slightly diluted with water, into the scalp an hour before washing.

During the procedure with pepper tincture, a burning sensation is possible. All these hot compresses should not be kept on your head for longer than an hour, especially if you have hypertension, circulatory disorders and other similar diseases. It is also impossible to allow pepper tincture to get on the mucous membranes, especially the eyes. If this happens, rinse immediately with plenty of cool water.

Masks for gray hair

Ginger mask

Mix one tbsp. l. grated ginger root with one tsp. fresh honey. Add one tablespoon. milk and stir. Apply to the scalp for 15 minutes, warming the head with a foil and a cap. This mask can be done often - 2-3 times a week.

If you have had gray hair for a long time, it is difficult to count on a miracle recipe. But in any case, using some means, as well as changing your diet, you will soon see a positive result.
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