Fashion Jewelry

For what properties do jewelers love chalcedony stone?

It is his malleability to cutting and grinding that has attracted the attention of jewelry masters since ancient times. It was very popular in ancient Greece. Then not only jewelry was made from it, but also amulets and household items. The ancient masters loved to make cameos out of it, they were worn as talismans. Over time, they began to appreciate it even more and was considered a gem.

There are many varieties of chalcedony, but in earlier times, blue stones were especially prized. You may be surprised, but many of the minerals you already know are a kind of chalcedony.

Chalcedony rings

Varieties of stone

1. Chrysoprase - emerald, herbal and apple green
2. Carnelian - red-orange
3. Carnelian - red
4. Sarder - brown
5. Sapphirine - light blue and milky blue
6. Plasma - light and onion green
7. Flint is yellow and brown.

The group of varieties of chalcedony includes banded representatives - agates and onyx.
There are more than a hundred varieties of this mineral. This is such a large family of chalcedony, and their cryptocrystalline structure unites them. And the head of this family is ordinary quartz, which in turn has clear-crystalline varieties and cryptocrystalline ones.

Chalcedony rings

Each of them contains SiO2 (90 - 99%). Depending on the variety, there may be impurities in the minerals - H2O, Fe2O3, MgO, Al2O3, CaO, MnO, NiO and many others.

We have already spoken about some of them, we will talk about others, and now we will focus on the one that is called that way - chalcedony. Directly chalcedony is usually called milky-blue, greenish-blue or yellowish stones.

The processed chalcedony is a very beautiful stone. Chalcedony jewelry looks great and goes well in any style - for a casual look, and for a business suit, or in an evening dress.

Chalcedony earrings and ring

Previously, chalcedony cameos were worn as talismans to protect against mental illness. Today, jewelers often make various inserts in the form of cabochons out of it. When polished, chalcedony is slightly translucent in the upper layers, which gives it a special beauty. The name "chalcedony", apparently, was given from the name of the ancient city of Chalcedon, located on the Bosphorus.

Where the sea always splashes
On desert rocks
Where the moon shines warmer
In the sweet hour of the evening darkness,
Where, enjoying in harems,
Muslims spend their days
There is a sorceress, caressing,
I was given a talisman. (A.S. Pushkin)

So, what kind of chalcedony is it?

Stone properties

Chalcedony is a translucent mineral with a fine fiber structure. It is called differently, depending on the deposit: California moonstone, blue moonstone, Mecca stone or St. Stephen's stone.

The color of the stone is pale blue, bluish, greenish blue, yellowish, gray.

- Hardness: 6.5 - 7,
- Density: 2.58 - 2.64 g / cm3,
- Cleavage: absent,
- Chemical formula: SiO2, silicon oxide,
- Degree of transparency: translucent,
- Pleochroism: absent

The mineral is formed from low-temperature hydrothermal solutions during the processes of epigenesis, diagenesis and weathering.

Chalcedony stone

Chalcedony deposits

There are many chalcedony deposits. But the leading suppliers of this stone are India, Uruguay, Brazil, Madagascar, USA, Canada. Chalcedony is mined in Sri Lanka, Iceland, Germany, Syria, Mexico, South Africa, Great Britain. There are deposits of it in Russia as well.

Chalcedony use

Chalcedony is a gemstone.But, as in antiquity, it was used for household items, and today a variety of colors and affordability makes it an excellent material for figurines, vases, mosaics, dishes, furniture inlay and interior details. They even make tiles from it for cladding the walls of premises, cut out countertops, frames for paintings and mirrors, and use it in stained-glass windows.

Chalcedony, and with it agate, is used for technical needs and in measuring laboratories. For the pharmaceutical industry, mortars and heels are made from chalcedony in precision instruments.

Luxury jewelry
Luxury jewelry

The healing properties of chalcedony

Lithotherapists do not recommend constantly wearing chalcedony jewelry, especially blue shades. They noticed that the bluish-green stones, although they calm the nervous system, normalize sleep, relieve insomnia, but with prolonged exposure to the stone, the opposite occurs - incomprehensible fears appear, blood circulation is disturbed.

The magical properties of chalcedony

In the countries of the East, chalcedony was used to create amulets. Today sorcerers also make various amuletsin order to expel melancholy from the soul ... It has long been believed that chalcedony is the talisman of seafarers. It is also argued that those who seek to find family happiness need to wear a chalcedony bracelet.

Rings with stones

Astrologers recommend chalcedony to those born under the sign of Sagittarius, believing that the stone protects them and gives confidence. All sorcerers and magicians give a lot of advice on how to find family happiness with the help of a stone, believing that even an unprocessed piece of chalcedony will bring peace and happiness to the family. But you should know that happiness is nearby, you don't have to look for it and wait a long time, you have to be able to see it.

Keep me, my talisman,
Keep me safe in the days of persecution
In days of remorse, excitement:
You were given to me on the day of sorrow. (A.S. Pushkin)

Chalcedony in jewelry

Chalcedony bracelets can be called luxurious jewelry. Necklaces and beads with chalcedony are beautiful and unusual. Smooth silky stones with a bluish tint are mesmerizing.

Earrings and ring with a greenish stone

Delicate earrings with pastel shade of chalcedony will make you attractive.

You probably remember that in new season 2024-2025apart from reds, yellows and purples, Pantone opted for a “calm blue”. This is exactly the color of pale blue chalcedony. Hopefully, you will definitely notice this coincidence.

Chalcedony jewelry
Chalcedony jewelry
Chalcedony stone, for what properties do jewelers love it
Chalcedony jewelry
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