Algae face masks - recipes at home
Algae is often referred to as ingredients of the 21st century, or "blue-green" cosmetics. The mysterious depths of the ocean are an inexhaustible source of biologically active substances.
Minerals are essential for human health - for the growth and regeneration of cells, for the proper functioning of the whole body, including the skin. And the best solution to the problem of trace elements are products and preparations based on the minerals of the seas and oceans, their seaweed, various natural clays, mud, sea bathing.
The ocean contains all the micro and macro elements that our skin needs. That is why more and more new products based on seaweed have been created in the cosmetic industry lately.
Seaweed is rich in micro and macro elements, amino acids, vitamins and polysaccharides.
Alginic acidcontained in algae is able to retain water, therefore alginate masks, created on the basis of algae, perfectly moisturize the skin. Retinol and lipids normalize the sebaceous glands and keep the skin youthful.
To date, some types of algae are already used in cosmetology. The best is the production of raw materials based on seaweed - kelp, the benefits of which have been tested by time. Used fucus algae, brown alga Padina pavonica, microalgae (chlorella, spirulina), algae Undaria Pinnatifida, Japanese alga Kombu (Kombu) ...
Ingredients based on seaweed activate the process of cell renewal, provide a smoothing and softening effect on the skin, enhance its ability to retain moisture.
Seaweed cosmetics
Japanese seaweed Kombu (Kombu) evens out the skin microrelief, smoothing wrinkles. Means from the MEZOLUX Librederm collection are based on a concentrate obtained from the alga Undaria Pinnatifida. These funds stimulate the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. The number and depth of wrinkles are reduced, bio-reinforcement of the skin is achieved, which helps to keep the skin youthful for a long time.
Seaweed cosmetics:nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
saturates the skin with oxygen;
stimulates collagen synthesis;
increases skin elasticity and tone;
smoothes and tightens the skin;
promotes tissue regeneration;
improves metabolic processes in the skin.
The active substances of seaweed help to resist inflammatory processes, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, and the burning of excess subcutaneous fat. Seaweed is used in medicinal cosmetics and dermatology - it heals scars and scars, acne and other skin diseases, is an active ingredient in anti-cellulite cosmetics.
Various products are produced on the basis of seaweed, they are used in creams and masks. Algae masks are useful for any type of skin - they will relieve oily skin from shine, dry - moisturize, fading - make it fit and fresh, sensitive - relieve inflammation and irritation, lost tone and depleted - nourish with useful substances. Various algae may be present in the composition of the masks. You can also make them yourself by cooking at home.
Let's take a look at some of them.
Kelp masks
Kelp, or seaweed, is rich in vitamins and minerals, so it can provide invaluable health benefits as well as rejuvenating and nourishing effects on the skin. Kelp contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, iodine, organic acids, copper, zinc, silicon, potassium, calcium, iron and other minerals and trace elements.
In cosmetology, masks are made from kelp algae that help moisturize the skin, nourish, and cleanse. Masks made from this algae stimulate the protective functions of the skin and slow down the aging process. Seaweed can be used fresh or as a powder specially prepared for cosmetic use.
Pre-chopped kelp in the composition of two teaspoons should be poured with water at room temperature and the mixture should be left for 2 hours to swell. Then drain the water and squeeze the algae. Can now be applied to face for 20 minutes.
To prepare a mixture of kelp, you can use powder or tablets, which must first be crushed. Usually, diluting kelp with water, you need to wait until the mixture swells about 2-3 times. Water should be at room temperature, do not dilute with boiling water. You can use still mineral water.
It is good to add egg yolks, cream, kefir, yogurt, glycerin, honey, vegetable and essential oils, as well as grated ginger, lemon juice or any other fruit juice, various clays, oatmeal, aloe to the prepared kelp gruel.
If you add various ingredients to the resulting mass of algae, you can get ready-made masks with additional actions.
For example:Smoothing and firming mask, lifting effect
Add 1 tsp to the pre-prepared mass of seaweed, as described above. honey. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask. The procedure can be done once a week.
Mask for oily skin
Add 1 protein and 1 tsp to the finished mass of kelp. lemon juice. This great remedy will help whiten skin, tighten pores and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.
Kelp and white clay alginate mask - for aging, dry and sensitive skin.
Pre-dilute algae (kelp powder - 2 tsp) and 2 tsp. white clay, adding in each case separately 30 ml of water. We dilute sodium alginate (3 tsp) in 50 ml of water immediately before applying the mask. Next, gently mix the diluted ingredients and quickly apply to the face. After 15 - 20 minutes, the mask will harden. The resulting film is removed. This mask helps relieve puffiness, cleanses pores, and smoothes wrinkles.
Moisturizing mask for dry and sensitive skin
Dry algae powder (1 tablespoon) is pre-soaked in water and left to swell. The algae should be soft. Add 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp to the gruel. oils (for example, grape seed, nut or olive) and 1 tbsp. glycerin. Then the resulting mass is mixed and distributed on the face. After 10 minutes, the mask can be removed and a moisturizing gel or cream applied.
This mask not only moisturizes the skin, but nourishes it, smoothes wrinkles, gives the skin freshness, and eliminates redness. If you do masks 1 - 2 times a week, you will definitely see a positive result. The course of application is 8-10 procedures, then you should take a break - 1 - 1.5 months and repeat the treatment.
Kelp and kefir mask - for oily skin
Pre-soaked kelp algae (1 tablespoon) is mixed with kefir (1 tablespoon) and applied to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, you can wash your face with lukewarm water. In addition to moisturizing and nourishing, this mask helps to whiten the skin, evens out the color and relief. The skin becomes velvety and smooth.
Laminaria mask with lifting effect
Mix 20 g of powder with 2 tablespoons in a container. water. When the mixture swells, add 1 tbsp. grated ginger, 20g cream and 20g vegetable oil, you can olive or sesame. Apply the mixture to face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
You can continue to select components for algae endlessly, but this is not limited to its useful properties. Kelp is also used for body shaping as
anti-cellulite remedy.
Nori seaweed moisturizing mask
This seaweed contains a lot of iodine, which is important for our body, and in particular for the thyroid gland. Nori contains phosphorus and calcium, vitamin A and ascorbic acid.Nori is eaten in the preparation of various dishes, including sushi. This seaweed has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A nori mask effectively moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity and smoothes fine wrinkles.
Chop nori algae into small pieces and pour boiling water over, let it brew for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, squeeze the mixture, add the grated fresh cucumbers (2 medium cucumbers are enough for 1 nori sheet) and leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Then you can apply it on your face and keep it on for 20 minutes. Do this mask once a week.
Nori seaweed Undaria pinnatifida, or wakame
Wakame is a seaweed not only for healthy food, it is also used by cosmetologists to create products that rejuvenate the skin. It is an ingredient in many drugs. And all because it contains pantothenic, folic acids, Omega-3, vitamins K, C, PP, B, A and E, as well as minerals: phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, sodium and calcium.
Wakame is actively consumed in food, which reduces cholesterol and blood clots, which means it helps to avoid heart attacks and strokes. Wakame is increasingly being used in cosmetics. And the most useful of the wakame-based products are masks that have a brightening, soothing and moisturizing effect.
Algae-based masks can be kept for 10 - 15 minutes, maximum - 20 minutes, rinsed with warm or cool water. Do not allow the mask to dry completely on the face, as this will tighten the skin and lead to dryness, with the exception of alginate masks. After washing the skin, lubricate the skin well with a moisturizer. Algae treatments will be effective if used 1 - 2 times a week.
Since these masks increase blood flow, they should not be used for rosacea or very rarely and for a short time.
Masks prepared on the basis of seaweed should not be used by pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as those who may have allergies. These masks are not recommended for disorders of the thyroid gland, severe inflammation and various dermatitis, open wounds and oncological diseases, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system.