Beautiful flowers made of leather on a dress and bag

Flowers made of genuine leather can decorate not only your outfit, but also a belt or a handbag! Leather goods are always relevant and in demand, they do not go out of fashion. A stylish, spectacular flower will complement the look and give the look more expressiveness. Natural leather flowers can serve as a wonderful and original gift for women.

The history of the emergence of the art of creating flowers is rooted in the distant past. Back in the second century BC in ancient China, there are the first mentions of the creation of artificial flowers. Subsequently, the art of flower making spread to many European countries, and today artificial flowers are an exquisite fashionable accessory for women, which is gaining more and more popularity among the most stylish women of fashion.

Poppy flower made of leather

I started my career back in my school years, when I attended the Fine Arts Studio, where I learned the basics of applied art and painting for six years. It was then that I first encountered the possibility of embodying colors from leather and suede.

Already in adulthood, the need for a creative process and the creation of something new again made itself felt. This made me plunge into the search for interesting directions in creativity. But time does not stand still, over the years the art of making flowers in our country has developed rapidly, which inspired to study and master new approaches and techniques for creating flowers.

Studying modern literature, comprehending the art of creating flowers in practice and applying our own best practices in our small workshop, we bring our ideas of beauty to life. The creation of flowers from leather is a delicate piece work, it requires certain qualifications from the masters. The main tools in the work of masters of flower making are a soldering iron, the so-called "blobs", paints and several varieties of adhesives of a certain quality.

Flower Making Tools

The choice of materials for flowers is not easy, because leather must meet certain criteria. For leather floristry we use only natural leather. It should be very thin (0.5 ~ 0.7mm), soft and pliable. As a rule, we try to buy high quality Italian leather for our products.

Making flowers from leather and suede consists of several stages, the main of which are: preparation of product parts, processing of each part using special solutions and tools, toning and final assembly of the product.

Leather for making flowers

Our direction is the creation of leather jewelry, for example, flower brooches and the production of interior flowers. We often draw inspiration for creating flowers in nature itself: an exquisite and noble iris, a delicate bunch of clovers, a bright sunny sunflower, a white delicate lily, a luxurious rose, a magnificent poppy. All these beautiful flowers have resonated with our creativity.

In our works, we try to reflect the beauty of real flowers, reserving the right to some stylization and fantasy. Giving beauty to people, promoting self-expression and creating our own unique look, image and style - these are the goals and objectives that we see in front of us.

Paints for leather flowers

We would like to express our gratitude to such wonderful masters of flower creation as Alla Makarova and Irina Vlady. With their light hand, we began our journey into the world of flower making.

Artistic director of the LEATHER FLOWERS workshop
Avleeva Albina

Very beautiful leather flowers - author's work

Rose leather flowers
Rose leather flowers
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