Why is it important to read the instructions for cosmetics

When buying new cosmetics, we first of all think about beauty and benefits, so we read the composition, but this is not enough, some products have instructions for use, which describe in detail how to use the drug so that it is beneficial.

Only people read less and less, especially serious and important texts. This applies to instructions for various techniques and care products. It seems so simple, why read when everything is clear anyway. But in fact, sometimes you can really regret that you were too lazy to read.

Recently, one of the readers of our site decided to improve the beauty of nails with the help of a remedy and was too lazy to read the instructions. As a result of several uses of the medicated varnish, her nails became much worse, they not only lost their shine, but became deformed.

Why is it important to read the instructions for cosmetics

The thing is that she applied the product like a regular nail polish, and did not think about the fact that this special tool and methods of application are completely different. The instructions said - apply oil to the cuticle, and then apply the product to the nail. After a day, apply another layer, and after another 24 hours, remove everything with nail polish remover. Then repeat the entire sequence 1-2 more times. After that, give your nails a rest for a month, and only then you can repeat the procedure.

Only if the listed rules are observed, the manufacturer promises a positive result! Therefore, unwillingness to read the instructions leads to the fact that we ourselves can seriously harm ourselves for our money.

Manufacturers of home appliances and gadgets are looking to implement voice assistants in many devices in the near future. One of the functions of voice assistants will be reading out warnings and, in general, operating rules - everything is as in the instructions.

Why is it important to read the instructions for cosmetics

Many people have literally forgotten how to read anything other than short entertaining texts on social networks. This lazy attitude leads to ignorance, foolishness and loss. Be careful that in your life, through the fault of your laziness, something that will have to be regretted does not happen.

Why is it important to read the instructions for cosmetics
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