
The most useful gifts for March 8

Today we will not list the objects of desire in the form of Chanel bags, Cartier bracelets, diamonds and perfumes. These gifts are wonderful, desirable and useful, but there are more useful gifts that are less expensive, but require some involvement and labor from us. All offered gifts can be presented to your beloved friend or yourself, then say thank you to yourself.

Many girls can easily spend a lot of money on clothes, accessories, household items, going to cafes and traveling, but they can't spend a little money on self-development courses. Personally, I also have a hard time getting myself to pay for courses, trainings, or self-help guides. And if you look at it, these are the most valuable acquisitions in life.

Most useful gifts

For example, the skill of touch typing on the keyboard. In Russia, a small percentage of citizens confidently type with 10 fingers, and it is almost impossible to survive in the modern world without a computer. The ability to type in the blind will make your work much more enjoyable and efficient. You can learn in 2-3 months and you need to do it once, and then use the skill all your life!

If you already know how to type with 10 fingers, know English perfectly well, you can take style courses. Most girls don't know the basic rules of style. As a result, every day you see beauties who spoil their image and life with the wrong choice of clothes and accessories.

There are many options for such gifts. Let none of these useful gifts compare to a Chanel handbag in terms of first impressions. But they are really useful and will remain forever. Chanel bag will cause initial delight, but then you get used to it. Knowledge and skills remain with us for life and help to earn not only a handbag, but everything else.

Most useful gifts

The most versatile skills everyone needs

1. Teaching the skill of touch typing on the keyboard with 10 fingers
2. Brain Development Courses & Trainers
3. Speed ​​reading skill
4. Memory development techniques
5. Foreign language courses
6. Style courses
7. Relationship psychology

I wanted to write this publication based on my own experience. Recently, with great difficulty, I managed to force myself to pay for a subscription to a school for the development of memory, speed reading and thinking skills. After the first classes, visible results appeared, and then every day I feel real changes. My memory is really getting better, I remember much more, I react faster to all important events, and labor productivity is growing.

Most useful gifts

Why is such a gift the most useful?

Everything in the world develops in such a way that a person by himself has no value. What matters is what skills you have, what you can give to society, based on this, your value is formed. The more useful knowledge and skills you have, the more chances you have for a successful, happy life.

I do not want to give links to specific sites of self-development schools, there are a lot of them on the Internet. If you wish, you can find and choose according to your own understanding. Knowledge and useful skills are not given by themselves, but they serve the whole life. Therefore, you yourself must make an effort to search and choose, then the gift will be more valuable, and no one will say, just advertises regular style courses and brain training machines for money ...
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