Dolls and baby clothes

Christmas tree decorations and the story of the Christmas tree

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree dates back to medieval Europe. Initially, the tree was decorated with apples and waffles. The apples symbolized the forbidden fruit plucked by Eve, and the waffles were the loaves given during the sacrament. But over time, far from edible decorations began to appear on the trees, for example, paper flowers, cones covered with gold paint, figurines of angels.

When did traditional Christmas tree toys appear?

Christmas toys

The first Christmas balls were also invented in Europe, namely in Germany, either in the 16th century or in the middle of the 19th. But balls became popular precisely in the 19th century. Christmas balls, after all, they are the very original apples, only now they are completely not edible.

In Russia, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree was introduced by Peter the First. But this tradition did not take root immediately. It became especially popular under Nicholas the First, whose wife was from Prussia, where they loved Christmas trees so much and it was with her that the tree became obligatory.

christmas tree decoration

Christmas decorations made of glass also come to Russia from Europe. So in the 19th century, a whole production of Christmas tree decorations was opened near Klin. And today there is also one of the largest enterprises for the production of Christmas tree decorations - Yolochka OJSC.

Until 1900, Christmas trees were richly decorated, so there was literally no free space on them, at the beginning of the 20th century, on the contrary, the tree that was decorated in the spirit of minimalism was considered fashionable.

Christmas toys and Christmas tree decoration

And in 1916 in the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was banned by the Holy Synod as a "German custom", because the First World War was going on, in which the enemies of Russia were the Germans. Banned the tree, like Christmas itself, and the Soviet government that came after the 1918 revolution. But soon the tree was still rehabilitated.

Christmas toys and Christmas tree decoration

On December 28, 1935, the newspaper "Pravda" was published, in which it was proclaimed: "Let's organize a good Christmas tree for the children for the New Year!" And now in the Soviet Union, the trees were not dressed up for Christmas, but for the New Year. Christmas decorations are also changing. The star of Bethlehem at the top of the tree is replaced by a red five-pointed star, and the angels are replaced by figurines Red Army men and pioneers.

Christmas toys

In the 1930s, Christmas trees were dressed up with figures of tanks and armored cars. The Christmas tree decoration also reflected, for example, the theme of the war in Spain. So in 1938, a glass ball was released with two planes, one of which knocks down the other. Toys were made of glass, cotton wool, cardboard and papier-mâché. Wadded Christmas tree decorations were popular and were produced until the mid-fifties. At this time, the first electric Christmas tree garlands appeared. Also popular were toys depicting circus performers and heroes of children's literature - the clown, Ivan Tsarevich, Puss in Boots.

During the Great Patriotic War, the tree was decorated with toys made from scrap materials. So the star for the tree was made, for example, from a chemical flask. And the most popular toys of the war years were paratroopers. Pieces of fabric were tied to all Christmas tree decorations, regardless of the character, and the result was a parachutist. And on New Year's cards of that time, Santa Claus was depicted, who beat the enemy.

In 1947, January 1 finally, as before the revolution, was declared a day off.

Christmas toys and Christmas tree decoration

Since the early 1950s, gift sets of baby toys for miniature Christmas trees have appeared in the country. There were also toys related to Chinese themes, for example, balls with the image of Mao Zedong. In the 1960s, clothespin toys were popular. Christmas trees were decorated with figures of astronauts, rockets and satellites. Popular were also "agricultural" toys: tomatoes, carrots, sheaves of wheat, bunches of grapes. Decorations for the Christmas tree in the form of corn cobs appeared during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev.

Christmas toys

Christmas decorations made before 1966 are highly valued today, because they were all made almost by hand. After 1966, the industrial production of Christmas tree decorations began.

Christmas toys and Christmas tree decoration

During the reign of Brezhnev comes fashion to minimalism, Christmas tree decorations become simpler. Quite uncomplicated balls are popular. In the 1990s, there is a fashion for balloons with the image of animals - symbols of the coming year.

And today you can choose: the era you like, a certain theme and decorate the tree in accordance with it, or you can simply mix all styles and all eras, finding a place on the tree for both modern toys and toys inherited from grandmothers. However, you can follow the fashion and dress up the Christmas tree in an oriental style, combining gold and red colors, while not forgetting that there should be figures of dragons on it. But the main thing to remember is that the tree should be decorated with love and faith in a miracle.

Veronica D.

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