
Ange Ou Demon Le Secret and Veri Irresistible

Wonderful fragrances from the Winter Sweets collection are presented by Givenchy. These are "Ange Ou Demon Le Secret" and "Veri Irresistible".

What is the secret of the charm of "Ange Ou Demon Le Secret"? Despite the advances in chemistry, fragrances of natural origin, both plant and animal, are used in perfumery. The presence of floral components and spices in "Ange Ou Demon Le Secret" creates a delightful sound aroma... Cinnamon, tea, sweet orange scent, mysterious and slightly disturbing ginger - this whole symphony of aromas is emphasized by the inspiring note of jasmine, which lifts the mood and seems to remove all obstacles and problems. This is the effect of Ange Ou Demon Le Secret.

Fragrance Ange Ou Demon Le Secret

The aroma of jasmine sambac with overflows of honey, flowers and tea notes together with ginger create an amazing rainbow of aromas in one bottle.

We are all familiar with the scent of jasmine flowers, but this is a special type of jasmine with fragrant flowers that are used to flavor tea and in perfumery. There are many varieties of jasmine. Jasmine sambac is a lover of warm climate, it grows in Central Asia. Some species are native to Iran, others are native to India. If some of you love jasmine so much that you would like to have this beautiful plant in your home, then it turns out to be not so difficult. This evergreen shrub is 2 meters high and can bloom all year round in a container in a winter garden or in the corner of a room, not far from a window.

In addition to sambac jasmine, the inflorescence of Ange Ou Demon Le Secret aromas also contains ginger, the mystery of which has already been mentioned. Ginger is a herbaceous plant and, like sambac jasmine, loves a warm climate, and even moisture, so it feels best in India. We sell it as a spice in powder form. But you can buy it in the form of roots that resemble figurines of people and animals. It is precisely this similarity that has long drawn people's attention to the plant. Not only that, it has been suggested that ginger root, like ginseng, is able to support a person's energy. Indeed, it turned out to be so. Ginger tones the nervous system and helps restore both mental and physical activity. Ginger is used in sweets, especially baked goods. Buy oriental sweets and you will feel it scent and taste. Its mysterious smell is irresistible.

Veri Irresistible Givenchy

In addition to the Ange Ou Demon Le Secret fragrance, Veri Irresistible also draws us into the fairy tale of fragrances. In its top notes, the music of everyone's favorite rose sounds, which gradually melts, replacing the tart aromas of cinnamon, anise, and spicy orange.

Givenchy fragrances are skillfully selected, they remind us of the sweetness and astringency of exotic plants of the East, they, using their magical power, decorate our lives on these short winter days.

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