Fashionable accessories

What happens to Adidas sneakers after washing

Some time ago, Adidas tracksuits and trainers were associated with gopniks or bulls from organized crime groups. Today everything has changed, Adidas sneakers have become an object of desire for millions of cultural boys and girls, and not everyone can afford sports shoes and clothing from this brand. Thanks to the fashion for sporty style, the prices at Adidas have increased many times. But let's not talk about prices, let's talk about quality using the example of summer running shoes.

Our programmer loves sneakers and has already collected a small collection, including the same pairs, especially favorite models. Thanks to this, you can clearly see what the wash is doing. The sneakers were bought in the same store with a difference of several days, one pair went through 3 or 4 washings, the second one has never been washed yet.

What happens to sneakers after washing

The result of the washings is visible so much that it may seem as if one pair is original and the other is fake, but this is not so. Both pairs are original, just not all Adidas models can be washed without sad consequences!

Separately, I note that the sneakers were not washed in a typewriter, but exclusively by hand in a basin. Soak for 15-20 minutes, rinse and dry naturally in the shade. As a result, the protective impregnation completely dissolved and disappeared.

Conclusions: Despite the high prices, Adidas does not offer truly advanced technology. Even the new Futurecraft 4D technology, which costs fabulous money, really has serious drawbacks, which I will talk about in the near future.

What happens to sneakers after washing
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