How to dress properly in the heat - fashion for summer
Recently, we were looking forward to real warmth, and now summer has come with good hot weather. Now you can hear everywhere conversations on the topic - how hard it is in the heat, how to get through a difficult period. It turns out that people are unhappy almost all the time. In autumn and winter, the weather is cold and the sky is gray, you don't like it, and when in summer the bright sun heats the air up to 30-35 it is also not good.
This perception of reality robs happiness, we will always wait for better weather conditions and unrealistic opportunities. Summer will fly by quickly, you will not notice, and autumn will come again with rains and gray skies. Then for several days you will feel relief, and then imperceptibly longing for sunny days will come and talk about how tired these rains and dullness are!
Therefore, one must learn to love the heat and feel comfortable. Appropriate clothing and new principles of life will help us in this.
How to love the heat and get joy at 40 degrees
1. Clothes and fabrics. We hide all things made of synthetics and mixed fabrics until colder times. For hot days, only natural materials are ideal - cotton, silk and of course linen. Dresses and other things made of linen not only allow the body to breathe as much as possible, but it even gives the impression that they cool and prevent overheating.
If you don't have linen in your wardrobe, it's time to go shopping. Linen dresses, tunics, skirts and trousers will not only bring comfort, but also open up opportunities for creating new looks.
The main disadvantage of linen outfits is that they wrinkle strongly and quickly. Want to look more elegant in hot weather? We put on clothes made of silk, cotton or viscose.
2. Choosing loose-fitting clothes. Light airy sundresses, slip dresses, wide leg pants or shorts, tunics, shirts
oversized style ideal for the hottest days even in southern countries.
3. Minimalism in jewelry. Surprisingly, in the heat, even necklaces and wide bracelets disrupt heat transfer and bring discomfort. Therefore, during the sunniest days, it is better to limit your image in terms of jewelry and be content with little.
4. Color of fabrics. Everyone knows that light fabrics are the most practical in summer, ideally white. Fashion isn't always the best friend in this regard. In the current summer collections, we can find many black dresses. Do you like black summer dresses? They will help create chic looks for evening events when the sun has hidden, and during the day it is better to dress up in light clothes.
5. Sandals and sandals. Until recently, it was not even worth talking about open shoes, everything seemed natural, but now with the dominance of sneakers in our wardrobes, more and more often you meet girls whose entire shoe wardrobe for all seasons consists of different models of sneakers.
Add variety and buy
chic sandals, they are more comfortable than sneakers in the summer. In addition, it is sandals that will help create the best images in a fashionable boho style, and sandals look more gentle, feminine and elegant than the most fashionable sneakers.
6. Hats, panamas and capes. The most open images does not mean the most comfortable ones. You can wear short shorts and a crop top, but this will expose your skin to the scorching sun. No sunscreen will work as well as fabrics.
The traditional clothes of the sunniest countries are more closed. We also need to remember that hats and capes save from sunburn and sunstroke.
7. Backpacks and bags. It's better to give up backpacks altogether for the summer, these accessories leave your hands free, but it's hard to come up with a hotter accessory! With bags, you will also have to reconsider your preferences. The most practical options are with textile belts or bags woven from straw.
8. Body health. A healthy lifestyle is in vogue now, but our craving for primitive pleasures is very strong. I used to like to drink cold wine, champagne and martini in the summer, it seemed that these liquids make life easier at 35-40 degrees. It turned out to be a big mistake.
Last year, she completely eliminated any alcohol, and changed the attitude towards alcohol. Surprisingly, now the weather at 35-40 degrees has become comfortable for me! Previously, you had to hide at noon. Now I run 5 kilometers at noon in the heat. I put on big sunglasses, a baseball cap, and an indoor sportswear. People look in disbelief, but I'm really comfortable! Previously, this was unthinkable.
By studying the meaning of alcohol and its true essence, you can get to the truth. And the truth is that there are no elite gourmet drinks. Even the most expensive alcohol is just alcohol, water and various additives of natural origin. Cheap alcohol - alcohol, water and artificial additives. By and large, there is no difference between all these bottles.
Alcohol does nothing, it only takes away. Day after day, alcohol takes away strength, creative energy, dehydrates the body and at the same time creates swelling. We think that alcohol makes the holiday brighter, and us more cheerful and open. This is a common misconception, but one can and should be freed from it. Our ancestors made many mistakes and did a lot of abominations, we understood a lot and outgrown. Someday it will be understood that alcohol is also the greatest evil and stupidity.
We may not wait for those times, but it is in our power to make our life better right now. Eliminate any alcohol from your life once and for all. A complete rejection of alcohol will forever change your life. You will begin to see and perceive the world differently, and the heat will cease to bring discomfort.
Now, when I am writing these lines in my room at almost 30 degrees, there is a split-system control panel nearby, but so far there is no desire to turn it on, because it is already comfortable.
9. The pleasure of the heat. All winter and half of spring we waited for warmth, then we wanted real warmth. We waited in the summer. Let's enjoy the heat? The perception of the surrounding world is formulated on the basis of many factors, but the most important is our consciousness.
Learn to control your mood, desires, and thoughts. It is not easy at all and requires a lot of effort using knowledge from psychology and spiritual practices, but the reward will be great. Having learned to manage our mood, we will be able to solve any problems and always overcome difficulties, remaining in a stable good mood regardless of external circumstances.