Bridal fashion

1820 wedding dresses

A wedding dress is the most attractive outfit in the life of girls and women. Even very adult women who have been married for a long time and have raised children love to view photos of wedding dresses on social networks and fashion magazines. If your wedding is just being planned, the interest is even greater. Today offers a look at the dresses of the brides of the 1820s.

These dresses are almost 200 years old, but they may well adorn the bride of our time. Such dresses are rare, but if there is an opportunity to spend 5,000 dollars, it is quite possible to buy a dress from the first half of the 19th century. Unlike paintings, coins and porcelain, textiles are collected by units. Therefore, antique dresses are of interest only to museums and rare people, such as a fashion historian. Alexandra Vasilieva.

What were wedding dresses 200 years ago?

Wedding dresses of the 1820s were created on the basis of the Empire and Romantic styles, but by this time the fashion had adapted these styles to the peculiarities of the climate, so that the outfit would at least slightly protect the girls from the cold and drafts.

Everyone wants an unusual wedding, and here's an incredible idea for you - to buy not a vintage, but a truly ancient dress, 200 years old! The idea is a little crazy, but feasible. The main thing is to buy another dress. We put on an antique outfit on the most formal part, and then, during the entertainment part of the celebration, we discreetly change into a new dress.

A rare girl will decide on such an act, and this is the whole point, thanks to an antique outfit, you can make your wedding truly unique! You can find an antique dress at auctions, the main thing is to be able to find a normally preserved outfit, this is already more difficult, most of the things of that time with serious losses and damage to the fabric.

We think we live in our most free time, when beauty standards and different stereotypes have minimal impact. But if you look at many aspects of our life, it turns out that this is not at all the case. Modern brides often look the same. The vast majority of brides choose white wedding dresses, and earlier in this respect everything was simpler.

Brides could wear any fancy dress for the wedding that they could buy or sew themselves. Therefore, many went down the aisle in dresses of various shades, including black, although they had more rights to a white dress than modern brides. As we know, white is the color of innocence and purity. This type of brides today can be listed in the red book!

Judging by the photos, in the 1820s, most wedding dresses were still white, but this happened because the fashion of that time generally extolled light shades, and such outfits were more common in women's wardrobe.

1820 wedding dresses

1820 wedding dresses
1820 wedding dresses
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