Life style. I thought about this concept for a long time, the lifestyle is too voluminous, it's not a clothing style or an interior style. The style of a lifetime. What should such a voluminous concept include? One of the definitions I found on the Internet was fine with me. Lifestyle is a person's way of life, his interests and opinions, how he spends his own time and money. Plus, here it is still quite possible to add his external image, the way he presents himself. Simply put, the lifestyle is both what is outside and what is inside.
In this life we all play certain roles: tortured by the fate of a quiet housewife, no less tired of the life of an office worker. Or a strange and incomprehensible, or maybe not understood, artist. Or a languid aristocrat, or an active wife of a millionaire. From simple to complex. It can be the other way around, depending on what is considered unbearably difficult. Each has its own role. And the only interesting thing is what we consider difficult. We are not interested in a nurse and a teacher, a worker and an engineer. We are only interested in those who are at an unattainable height, in the world of luxury and gloss... Those who look at us from the covers of expensive magazines. And we are also interested in abnormal, those very poor, but always and in everything creative artists. They are also very interesting to read about. Here it is, the lifestyle! - to admire the reader.
The lifestyle is very different, it can only be reduced to general formulas: for example, famous actresses and actors or singers and singers, we will certainly be interested in what they dress in, and most importantly from whom, in what activities they participate, with whom they live and where, how they rest, and of course, firstly, or still second ?, their creativity. In the life of rich people, the set of our interest, by the way, is very similar, only creativity is excluded, it is replaced by the amount of money, or rather the interest in how they were earned.
The style and lifestyle of the characters.
Someone was right when they wrote that any famous person for us, the audience, is just a character. And we follow his life, and the genre, genre can be anything - from a novel to a detective story. However, there may be more than one character, famous people are always nearby and our stories are full of interweaving of roles and destinies, interactions and relationships between characters.
Do the characters, and in general, they are real people, know what they are doing, gaining fame? You should know, they have read newspapers before, watched TV, you can see it with a grin. And you can also think about why it so happened that the public is not so interested in creativity, as interesting as the life of actors, singers, musicians. What's wrong here? And why one day admiration for their life turns into envy, and all the falls and failures of these very "characters" cause the crowd to rejoice?
Lifestyle is not a stable concept. The lifestyle of a certain person is created by him, but to a greater extent by the press and the opinion that develops about him. You can't follow one style and one image all your life, even drinking coffee every morning is a relative constancy, the morning will come when you just forget to drink it. But the image has been created. And this image is interesting.
I will talk about two looks. I will not rely on information from third parties. In blogs, personal diaries, everyone is free to write about himself whatever he considers necessary. In his blog, a person independently creates his own image and his own style, including life.
I'll tell you about two Nicks. One is the wife of a fairly rich man. The second artist is from a god-forsaken country and a god-forsaken city. What do they have in common? The ability to write fascinatingly and the army of fans - readers of their blogs in LJ. Let's call them Nick B. and Nick S.
Nika B. is the wife of a fairly rich man, even too much for many. She lives in France, sometimes in Moscow.Her life, for many, probably could become just the embodiment of an ideal and a dream. Together with her husband, they have five children. But as she noticed, either in one of the interviews, or in her blog, Nick B.: once she realized that “I am turning into a textbook wife in the settlements” and is almost ready to join such a Montecarlian community and start discussing “who is who how much gives per month and how unbearably long it takes for the next crocodile bag... Horror".
Having decided for herself that it was horror, she launched a violent activity. Fortunately, she has good inclinations, her mother was from Odessa, her father was from St. Petersburg. And Nika B. in childhood traveled between these two cities. Cities with character and special culture. Here is the character, as for selection, she also has the most interesting. And she became known to the wider community on the Internet. And not only. Nika B. began to cook and write recipes, and transforming all this into the most unique stories. But in her life, the main thing is not only the cuisine, there are also travels, about which she writes also fascinatingly. There is also a photograph. Ah, these beautiful photographs of the most delicious dishes.
She had four husbands, the first being an artist. She attended the Higher Directing Courses in Moscow, and was the owner of a large business - an advertising agency. Started publishing a magazine. In many ways, she is an adventurer and a hooligan, it is felt even in the manner of writing, but only recently she is very restrained, forgetting about past pranks.
Nick B. is interesting to read, her style is the style of home comfort, family and friends, the smell of baked goods and the tide of the sea. But at the same time with a share of elusive, her personal charm, by which one feels that she will be a woman "with a twist" in any situation. She will bring only this singularity to everything. And he will make the world around him interesting, not at all trivial. After all, her current plot - the wife of a millionaire, in general, is terribly banal, but only she herself is not banal and her vanilla - sweet stories with the smell of sea water and the sound of waves. A kind of ladies' romance, or its happy ending ?, told in culinary recipes.
Nika S. is also a woman with a twist, with her energy and ability to entertain herself and others. Her grandfather, by the way, was Greek. Nika S. knows how to be boring in the most ordinary things. She also changed more than one man. She is emotional and unexpected. Draws only what she likes, her art is hard to fit into any specific framework and direction. She studied to be a geographer, but did not start working by profession. She was engaged in the auto business, and then plunged into creativity.
Nika S., reading her blog (fly-tree), gives the impression that she is a very sincere person. Everything that she does not do, everything that she does not say, she invariably does from the heart: gets angry, admires, participates in "revolutions". Her blog is a continuous mosaic from the personal to the public and the political, but the latter is still less common, but everything is still personal. In both the last and the penultimate, she sometimes says aloud what many Belarusians think about. And also in her blog there are many pictures and photos, strange and beautiful at the same time.
If you forget about all the meanings that are embedded in the concept socialite, and leave only one - fame, albeit in narrow circles, and life, your own life, becoming public, plus communication with people of a certain circle, let, for example, a creative one, then Nika S. can be called a Belarusian socialite.
Two Nicky, both of them, most likely are not wise, in the classical understanding of a wise woman, they are more hooligans and more children. And they are not at all kind. As children, they do not know how to regret and understand. They are just for themselves and for themselves, and the rest of the world agrees and helpfully revolves around them. Perhaps Nika B. is more mature and therefore calmer. Nick S. is an element: unpredictable and dangerous.
But this is just an opinion based on the lines from their diaries.
Veronica D.