Men's chains

New Year is approaching, it's time to give gifts. Jewelry is still the perfect gift. If you are thinking of what to give your man, buy a chain. Among all the jewelry, it is the chains that are the most versatile gift. The main thing is to know the style that your man prefers, on the basis of this we will choose a piece of jewelry.

Modern women's fashion has borrowed a lot of clothing and accessories from the men's wardrobe. Now girls everywhere can be seen powerful rough-soled boots, and among jewelry, differences are also erased - women can wear anything, but men are more difficult.

There is no doubt that men's chains are different from those for women. And jewelers try to emphasize strength, energy and masculinity in them. Men's chains around the neck look massive and solid.

Anchor chain weaving

How to choose a chain for a man?

When choosing a chain for a man, one must take into account not only what kind of pendant to wear it with, but also the appearance of the future owner. The larger the man, the more massive the chain can be. The choice of thickness and length depends on the wishes of the wearer, but too thin a chain on a man's neck will be somewhat inappropriate.

The average thickness of a man's chain is about 4-6 mm. The length of the chain depends on individual preference, as well as height and build. Many men choose a chain that lies loosely at the base of their neck and is visible from under the open collar of their shirt. If a man is of medium build, then the minimum length of such a chain will be no more than 50-55 cm.

Usually, chains with a cross are chosen a little longer - 60 cm or more. The cross is supposed to be worn on the body, and it is not at all necessary that it be visible.

How to choose a chain for a man

The pendants should match the impressive look of the chain. For example, a cross, amulets or other jewelry on a large chain should also be large. There is a rule of thumb that the suspension should weigh about one third of the chain weight. The colors of the chain and the pendant should match, although contrasting solutions are also possible when 2-3 metal colors are used inside the pendant itself.

For a sporty and business style, stylists recommend short chains. Medium-length chains are common among men in creative professions. Such chains are preferable to be worn on clothes.

The massiveness of the chain is achieved by the thickness of the metal from which it is made and various weaving details. Usually on men of large build, chains with voluminous and intricate weaves are harmoniously combined.

In fact, chains can be both voluminous and embossed, as well as simple, smooth.

Men's chains
Men's chains

Which metal is better to choose?

For men's chains, gold, silver, steel, and in rare cases platinum are used. Gold chains emphasize the status of the owner, demonstrate success. There may be multi-colored gold chains. It just makes no sense to buy overly heavy thick gold chains if you are not a bright representative of the creative professions.

Very little time has passed since the 1990s. Style elements from the 90s are already appearing in modern fashion, but thick gold chains may still cause more dubious impressions. Then, in the 1990s, chains gained weight rapidly. These jewelry were worn by people who do not deserve respect, therefore, 200-gram chains have become a kind of symbol of bulls from the 90s. Then 200 grams was not the limit, but on the contrary the beginning of a serious decoration. There were copies of 500-800 grams and even a kilogram or more.

Available Decorations

Less expensive, but seemingly voluminous and imposing, are "hollow" gold chains. But this is also their disadvantage, since if the link is inaccurately bent, breakage can occur. Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to restore such a chain.

Gilded silver chains.Their cost is much lower than gold, but they will look beautiful. The main thing is to acquire such a chain from a manufacturer with a reliable reputation, since the layer of gold applied to the silver surface should not be too thin.

Silver chains. If a thick gold chain can cause dubious associations, then it is easier with silver. Silver chains were not popular with bulls from the 90s. Perhaps that is why, even to this day, silver chains are prioritized over massive gold chains.

And also silver has always been appreciated in Russia. White, pure and beautiful metal, as if the personification of the snowy Russian winter. Jewelry designers offer a variety of options for processing silver chains. For example, rhodium plating, which gives shine, oxidation, blackening, engraving. Taking care of such chains will be much easier.

Steel chains. They have become very popular lately. These chains evoke associations with masculinity, strength and will. In addition, the steel chain is a kind of protest against traditional jewelry values ​​and luxury. At the same time, a steel chain can look even more stylish than a gold jewelry, if the whole image is harmonious and thoughtful.

Weaving chains for men

Men's chain weaves can be simple or intricate. They can be volumetric with complex reliefs, with large links. Any weaving can be considered a man's weaving, but taking into account that the chain looks masculine and impressive.

The most suitable options are armor weaving, diamond, snake, anchor weaving, Venetian weaving, figaro, bismarck, plait, Byzantine and many others. The choice of some of them depends on the age of the man, his physique and style. But there are also more versatile models, they can be worn regardless of style.

The chain clasp for men also matters. It should not be smaller than the chain. The most reliable are considered a carbine or a round spring.

How to wear a chain for men?

Both gold and silver chains can be worn with any clothing. It can be under clothing or over clothing, depending on the length. If the chain is under the shirt, you can undo the top buttons, but when appropriate. For example, in a business style with a formal suit, this option is inappropriate.

If the style allows you to wear a chain over clothes, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of the chain with other jewelry and accessories, for example, with bracelets, rings or watches. In any case, the jewelry should stick to the metal of the same color.

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