Beautiful and unusual felted coats
In modern fashion, coats, along with down jackets, take a leading position. Each season, designers offer stylish cuts, original fabrics for sewing coats. Among them, it has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years.
oversized coat, which is suggested to be worn casually (without a fastener, unbuttoned, sometimes with a belt, like a dressing gown).
However, felted coats are also gaining acceptance. Models made of felted wool have been on sale for several years, but the growth in popularity can only be noted recently. A felted coat is convenient, comfortable and environmentally friendly. But they also have a special feature that attracts with their stylish and modern appearance. Thanks to hand-made wool and sewing, elegant casualness can be emphasized in felted products.
Felting wool is one of the oldest ways to create materials for making clothes. Felted wool products are warm and comfortable. Only natural materials are used in their production. The most common types of wool are goat, sheep and camel wool.
Types of felting
There are two types of felting - dry and wet. But both types are based on the property of natural wool fibers to intertwine with each other and thicken. Thus, a single canvas is obtained.
1. Dry look
Dry felting, or felting, is performed using special needles with fine burrs. By piercing the fibers many times, entanglement and compaction occurs. Thus, a product of the required shape is born.
2. Wet look
Wet felting is more often used to make large items such as coats. In the felting process, a soap solution is used. Wool fibers are laid out on the surface and moistened with warm soapy water.
Then, by means of mechanical action on the fiber (friction, rolling, pressing), the shrinkage process begins. In this case, the products are quite durable.
In felting, you can use multi-colored fibers, "drawing" patterns on products. In addition to the bright print, fashionable in clothes, coats with pictures of paintings in which multi-colored fibers “paint” the world of flora and fauna, architectural and landscape landscapes, portrait painting, historical episodes that took place in ancient times, and other picturesque subjects look original. But coats with a floral design look especially bright and colorful.
When creating unique finishes, you can use not only multi-colored wool fibers, but also silk, cotton, linen and viscose. These coats are truly exclusive.
The coat looks unusual with the seams outward, which creates a stylish and effective model. This option allows you to make the property of felted wool not to crumble along the cut. Therefore, the seams can not be processed, and the coat can be sewn without lining.
This coat can be worn on both sides. In one product, you can combine closed and open seams. Where is the front, and where is the wrong side - will not matter. If you use linens of different colors when sewing a coat, then it turns out that you have two coats - two in one. But, definitely, such a model will look very impressive.
How to care for a felted wool coat?
Felted coats sometimes look too vulnerable to wear, but this is not at all the case. If the canvas is well felted, then it easily tolerates all kinds of influences. For example, the product will not shrink, because it is sewn from a wet-felted canvas, and therefore shrinkage has already occurred in the felting process.
It follows that a felted coat can be washed, however, it is better to do it by hand, for which special powders or products with lanolin are used, which cleans individual villi well.
Washing should be delicate, without unnecessary mechanical stress, especially if the coat has an additional decor of multi-colored fibers. It is enough to soak the coat for two hours in special powders, then rinse. All water procedures should be with a temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
Spinning should be done by slightly pressing and crushing the product, but not twisting it so as not to deform it.
It is better to dry away from heat sources. The coat should be laid out on a horizontal surface, after laying a cloth under it, such as a sheet, then wrap it up for a while so that excess moisture is absorbed.
It is better not to iron the coat, but to steam it when it is still slightly damp.
If you take proper care of your coat, it will last more than one season. And if self-washing causes you concerns, then it is better to use dry cleaning.
The felted coat is light, soft, delicate and warm, it is quite comfortable in it. It can be worn until the onset of winter frosts. Girls who purchased such an outfit note its property to be combined with any accessories. This coat will suit a woman of any age. It is enough to look at your model.
Models can be short or long, with sleeves or without sleeves, fitted and straight. Capes or ponchos are also popular.
Felted coats have wear-resistant properties, so by choosing this thing, you can have an excellent purchase for more than one season. The cost of the product depends on the type of wool, the availability of decor and the method of sewing (manual or factory).