Beautiful decorative pillows in oriental style

How to add coziness to your home while maintaining a harmonious balance of space? One of the best and most practical interior items can be beautiful decorative pillows. If we talk about minimalism, then, most likely, their presence will not become a necessity. Although the variety of shapes, sizes, ornaments and color palette allows you to use decorative pillows in the interior of any style.

Beautiful handmade decorative pillows

Even in the most boring environment, they will add a welcoming and gentle note. The pillows fit perfectly into the oriental style, rustic, classic, Russian, ... Here they find themselves in their place both in a practical sense and in a decorative one. Pillows create a feeling of coziness and peace, bring beauty and comfort to life.

Pay attention to East style, since pillows of different shapes and in large quantities are an attribute of the interiors of the East. The main center of the oriental-style space is the sofa, and with it the pillows.

Beautiful decorative pillows

Oriental style is always a luxury. If this is what you are striving for, then pillows are necessary for you. Let's see together which ones to choose.

All items of the East are distinguished by their brightness and color. In the oriental interior, the color scheme is rich and varied. Pillows in this style take the most significant place, and they can be located not only on the sofa, but also on the floor. This is not surprising, because in many eastern countries they traditionally use low furniture or just sit on the floor.

Pillows should fit into the interior idea. And before making a choice of pillows, it should be noted which oriental style you want to stay on. It turns out that there are a lot of them: Arabic, Central Asian, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Indian; there are also separate directions - Moroccan, Tibetan, and then you can list for a long time, naming country by country. All of them differ in a variety of ornaments, color palette and decor elements.

Beautiful decorative pillows

For pillows to decorate the room, they must be made of high-quality, preferably expensive and natural material: velor, jacquard, satin, lace, leather, silk, velvet, knitted fabric.

Pillows made of textured material look bright and colorful. The sizes and shapes of pillows are square, rectangular, round, roller.

Cushions with a characteristic ornament made with embroidery, applique, and soutache will perfectly fit into the oriental design. In the decor of the pillow, you can use draperies, tassels in the corners, edging and many other elements.

What elements are included in the oriental ornament of pillows?

It again depends on the direction of the oriental style. Oriental ornament has a huge variety of colors, shapes, patterns, which can be composed of signs and symbols with deep content.

Oriental ornament in ancient times had a magical meaning. In the Islamic religion, it was not allowed to depict people, so folk artists-masters made patterns of unique beauty, built on the geometry of figures and the image of plants. Among them are curved continuous lines that form the edging of patterns, spirals, weaving of lines and curls, and many other varied options.

In the oriental interior, textiles are important. In Central Asian countries, it is often used ikat fabric, which has already covered. Ikat is not only a fabric, but also a way of creating patterns on fabric. The traditional oriental technique Ikat in the countries of Central Asia is a unique ornament on the fabric, which has brightness and amazing beauty. These patterns have a variety of stripes with a lack of clear outlines.

Luxurious oriental ikat pillows are sure to add color accents to your interior design.In addition to ikat pillows, it is advisable to add a few more Ikat-style elements to the space, otherwise, against the general background, such a pillow will draw all attention only to itself. The sophistication of the ornament is conveyed by a variety of textures, applique, embroidery with colored threads and embroidery in gold.

Pillows go well with carpets, curtains, vases, lamp shades, sofa and armchairs upholstery. You can use the same fabric in the design, but pillows with a bright contrasting or, conversely, a muted restrained color palette will sometimes help to complete the idea.

The size and shape of decorative pillows

These parameters of pillows create a special atmosphere in the room. Large pillows will create coziness and warmth in a large room, round small pillows are suitable for small rooms, or separate corners for relaxation, rectangular ones will give a certain balance in interiors with irregular geometry.

The East has long been associated with splendor, luxury and even magic that is inherent in Arabian fairy tales.

Probably, each of us wants to create comfort in our home, an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. And decorative pillows will help with this.

Pillows not only in oriental style act as a connecting link in the whole interior. They can knit together different pieces of furniture that differ from each other in color. Even a monochrome minimalist interior design will look welcoming and elegant thanks to the pillows. Contrasting in texture and color, they will add an attractive highlight to the overall space.

Embroidered pads
Embroidered pads

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