
Ametrine in jewelry

An unusual, beautiful and rare stone, which is considered one of the most popular today. Its name is derived from the names of two gems - amethyst and citrine. The amethyst part has a color palette from colorless to purple-violet, and the citrine part has a color palette from orange-yellow to greenish or brown-yellow.

Deposits of ametrine

Bolivia is the main supplier to the jewelry market. These gems are also in Brazil, but their color palette is less saturated, and the cost is much lower than the Bolivian ones. According to the name of the place where the gem was first found, it also received a middle name - bolivianite. It is in Bolivia that most of the ametrines are mined (up to 90% of the total volume).

Ametrine or bolivianite in nature

The supply of ametrine to world markets began in 1989. Until this year, Bolivian legislation prohibited the export of the gem. Single copies of ametrine are found in Siberia. Siberian ametrine has a slight brightness. The largest faceted ametrine (108.5 carats) is on display at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.


Ametrine is a microcrystalline quartz. Due to its unusual color, it was identified as a separate subspecies.

The chemical formula of ametrine is SiO2. The formation of different colors occurs as a result of the presence of iron and different temperature effects during the crystallization process. The crystal structure of the mineral is a hexagonal prism.

Ametrine or bolivianite crystal

The stone can be either transparent or translucent. In Bolivia, there are specimens of the best quality and purity. Ametrine has a glassy luster. The gem is very sensitive to the effects of sunlight - the stone quickly loses its purple color, turning into golden citrine.

The mineral has a high hardness - 7, its density - 2.65. In ultraviolet light, ametrine fluoresces.

The uncommonness of the stone lies in its polychromy, in its two-tone color. Especially beautiful is ametrine of golden-purple color. This color of the stone literally mesmerizes with its splendor, it delights the eye and attracts with its magical radiant beauty. This is a rather rare occurrence when two are combined in one stone at once - purple amethyst and golden citrine.

Necklace and earrings

The color in the crystal can be evenly distributed, smoothly passing one into the other, or with a clear border between two colors. There are stones in which amethyst and citrine areas alternate with each other, creating fantastic pictures. At the same time, amethyst zones can be not only purple, but also lilac and even transparent, and citrine zones can be not only golden, but also peach, orange, greenish-yellow and even light brown.

Ametrine is dichroic. The color of the crystal changes slightly when viewed from different angles.

Ametrine in jewelry

Ametrine is a gemstone that is highly valued all over the world today. To represent the stone in all its glory, with tints and transitions from one color to another, the gem is cut with a step cut, and sometimes brilliant.

Ametrine or bolivianite in jewelry

The ametrine cut is well recognizable, the stones are cut in the form of a rectangle with multi-step side faces. This shape most effectively emphasizes the unique color palette of ametrine. Gems are good at cutting, crystals can be cut into the most complex and original shapes.

Ametrine is used as inserts for rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, bracelets. Beads are also made from it. However, due to the small amount of stone, jewelers often use artificial ametrine in their products.

Earrings with Ametrine


A high-quality imitation of a stone is obtained by heating or irradiating natural amethysts of a violet-lilac hue with special lamps. Artificially obtained ametrines are unusually bright, brighter than natural ones. For those unfamiliar with natural ametrines, it is not easy to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural one. Artificial gems are significantly cheaper. It is best to purchase ametrines from trusted sources.

The method for producing artificial ametrine was developed in Russia at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy. The obtained synthetic gems have excellent physical characteristics and practically do not differ from natural ones, they also have a zonal color. At the same time, a significant difference between them is that synthetic ones are not afraid of sunlight and do not fade.

Today in Russia there is a production facility for the production of synthetic ametrines. Usually these are large ametrines, perfectly clean, without defects. The stones are made according to advanced technologies developed by Russian specialists. It is impossible to distinguish them from natural ametrines without professional expertise.

Astrological properties

Astrologers report that ametrine can be worn by all signs of the zodiac, as it can bring benefits and necessary abilities to each of them. And if you clearly assess the positive properties of the stone, then it is better to wear ametrine for Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. The gem "promises" mutual understanding with others.

The healing properties of ametrine

Lithotherapists claim that ametrine raises the tone of the whole body, energizes and strengthens the immune system. If you don't even believe them, then looking at the beauty of a gem, you can experience all this for yourself. The mineral really has a positive effect on the psychophysical state of the jewelry wearer. The stone normalizes sleep, relieves fears, drives away depression. Ametrine relieves headaches, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The magical properties of ametrine

Ametrine is a symbol of dualism (from Latin dualis - dual), a symbol of 2 Yin-Yang energies. Ametrine stone combines two colors. Ancient magicians claimed that the gem helps to connect human hearts. And if a person acquires jewelry with this mineral, he will quickly find his soul mate, and those who are already married will find peace, love and harmony in the family. In addition, the gem helps to avoid betrayal.

Ametrine can be a good gift, because it has long been considered a stone of peace and balance.

Many legends and traditions are associated with this stone. For example, according to one old legend, the Indian priests used the gem to restore peace and stop the enmity between the Indian tribes. This stone was often used as a talisman, hoping that ametrine will give its owner goodwill and prudence, and will not allow conflicts. Magicians consider ametrine to be one of the best amulets.

But it will become the best talisman for non-standard people, as well as for those who strive for knowledge of the world and self-development. The stone will help those who do not stop there.

Medieval magicians often used ametrine during their magical sessions to summon spirits. Today they continue to use it, trying to discover the secrets of the Universe, and psychics hope to strengthen their abilities with the help of the stone. However, you should immediately notice and stop everyone who wants to take advantage of such properties of the stone. Wear jewelry with it, admire its beauty and nothing more. Trying to understand the secrets by communicating with forces from another world, so far unknown to us, is not worth it. The time will come when earthly life will end, and then everything will become clear.

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