Fashion trends

Jasper: decorations and properties of the stone

"I do not know of another mineral species that would be more varied in color than jasper: all tones, with the exception of pure blue, are known to us in jasper, and they sometimes intertwine in a fabulous picture." A.E. Fersman

Jasper ring

All over the world, among the variegated minerals, jasper takes the first place and bears the proud title of "queen of stones". There is no other stone that would be so diverse in colors and patterns, so durable and strong. When looking at this stone, everyone, not only an artist, but also just a lover of "stone beauty", has imaginations and creative thoughts, everyone finds something special in jasper, and we all see something of our own.

Jasper has been known to man for over hundreds of thousands of years. Still, when weapons and household items were made of stone, jasper was valued for its strength and durability. The beauty of the stone did not immediately attract attention. Most likely, they were able to appreciate her women.

For men, the stone served as a hunting tool (arrowheads) and as a household tool. But the masters of decorative art of ancient and antique civilization left us magnificent stone products - gems, intaglios, necklaces, rings, seals, bracelets, amulets, various figurines, bowls.

Jasper was also used in sculpture. The beauty, richness and uniqueness of the colorful design on the stone made it possible to use it in the creative ideas of architects, in the interior decoration of palaces.

Jasper ring

The lush and colorful East has always gravitated towards bright colors and luxury, and in this jasper became famous and gained fame. Ancient Egypt, Byzantium were fond of a riot of color, followed by the whole of Europe.

Jasper has gained popularity as a decoration stone. Jasper and marble columns adorned the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, which was burned down in 356 BC. Herostratus, then restored to its former form by Alexander the Great. Time passed, and the temple was plundered by the Goths, its facing was taken away to other buildings.

Several jasper columns ended up in the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople, built in the 6th century by the Emperor Justinian. The floor in the temple was laid with marble and jasper. It looked like a meadow covered with flowers. Jasper floors later adorned the temples of Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

But as for the name of the stone, there is a whole story that researchers are still unraveling. There are many versions, but the origin of the word remains a philological mystery. One thing can be said that the Russian name "jasper" goes back to the Old Church Slavonic - "jasper". Jasper is mentioned in the Bible. Jasper turned out to be one of the twelve sacred stones worthy of decorating the clothes of the high priests. She was declared the stone of the Apostle Peter.

Necklace and pendant

Subsequently, jasper was constantly used as an architectural decoration in the decoration of cathedrals. Each color in the stone had a symbolic meaning. The Middle Ages gave mankind the best stone masters, real virtuosos who developed and used the mosaic technique. This is how many walls and floors of cathedrals and palaces were tiled, magnificent tombstones, sculptures, cameos, vases, cups were created, which were set with precious metals, inlaid with enamel and stones.

The mosaic technique was used to create unique compositions of stones matched by color and pattern into magnificent picturesque paintings. Contribution to mosaic technique and stone processing in Middle Ages contributed by Czech and Italian craftsmen. Stone-cutting reached unprecedented heights in the 18th - 19th centuries, when special machines were invented that made it possible to process large decorative items.And here Russia has already become famous. Russia took first place in the richness and variety of jasper shades.

Ring-flower made of stone

Origin and properties of jasper

The origin of jasper is also quite an interesting page. Whatever was said about the nature of its birth - it was considered icy earth moisture, fossilized clay and even fused sap of the earth ... However, modern scientists have proven that it is a dense siliceous rock, composed of the smallest quartz grains, soldered by siliceous cement with an admixture of chalcedony and other minerals. Since the formation of jasper went in different ways, this is precisely what caused such a heterogeneity of its color and pattern.

Jasper are available - from purple to red, from black to white, variegated and monochromatic, with complex patterns. The most picturesque picture of the formation of jasper was described by the Soviet academician A.E. Fersman. In his book "Tales of Gems," he said that some of the stones were born from the remains of deep-sea silts, others - from the erupting lava. Millions of years passed. These formations were squeezed, fractured, crumbled, squeezed again, soaked in hot waters, cemented, ... And all this was repeated many times, so an incredible variety of jasper occurred.

Why you need to buy jewelry with jasper

By the nature of the texture, these stones have six groups:

  1. Massive, with a uniform color, sometimes with spots in the form of "clouds", "twigs" or colored dots.
  2. Striped (patterns in the form of stripes or ribbons).
  3. Porphyry with inclusions of feldspar and quartz.
  4. Variegated, they are also called calico, with a spotted one-color pattern.
  5. Breccias and conglomerates. This variety consists of debris that is cemented with various minerals.
  6. Spheroidal.

The names of the gems were obtained depending on the color, pattern and place of their discovery. For example, bloody jasper (dark red), "meat agate" (the color of caked blood), brick (red-brown tint), leopard, brocade, porcelain, agate, watercolor.

There are stones with poetic names, for example, "African queen" (golden yellow jasper). One of the most beautiful jasper is landscape jasper. These stones are real picturesque paintings.

Jasper necklace

Physical and chemical properties of jasper

Gems are 80–95% silicon dioxide SiO2, the rest is impurities. Mohs hardness - 7, density - 2.65 g / cm3. Jasper does not transmit light, there is no cleavage.

Jasper deposits in nature

There are many such places on the planet. Since ancient times, the extraction of the gem has been practiced in Egypt and India. And now these countries are suppliers of gem to the world market. There are jasper deposits in Germany, Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China. Beautiful species of jasper are also found in the USA, in the states of Arizona and Maine.

However, Russian jasper are considered the best and most beautiful in the whole world. They are mined in the Urals, Altai, the North Caucasus, in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The history of Russian jasper began in the 18th century, when the Orsk fortress was founded, which became an outpost of the Russian state in the southeastern outskirts. It was here that the richest jasper outcrops were found. In 1767, a map was drawn up, on which several dozen deposits of jasper were indicated (now there are more than 200 of them). It is impossible to list and tell about all the jaspers in Russia. But we must remember with gratitude those masters of the past who left us magnificent works of art.

Jasper necklace

The beauty of the stone is rich and unique. The myriad stocks and variety of jasper allowed Russian stonecutters to create masterpieces of incredible beauty. Among them is a jasper cabinet in Tsarskoe Selo made of Ural and Altai jaspers. The jasper rooms make for an amazing and colorful sight. Walls, doors, platbands, window cornices and small details are covered with gem plates. The beauty of the stone is complemented and emphasized by gilding, stucco molding, ceiling painting, and parquet made of valuable wood species.

The Russian masters used the expression “to give the power of the stone”. This meant bringing out its beauty as much as possible. Ural craftsmen have developed their own special stone processing technique.Jasper was also used in the interiors of the Winter Palace (Petrovsky, or Small, throne room, Hall of the Big Vase). A large vase called "The Queen of Vases" is made of green-wavy jasper, its weight is 19 tons, diameter - 5.04 m, height with a pedestal - 2.57 m. This stone beauty was made in Altai. In addition to this vase, many not only similar vases were made, but also magnificent bowls, floor lamps, candelabra, clocks, dishes, obelisks, tabletops, and boxes. All these works of art have become the decoration of the rooms of the Winter Palace. The glory of jasper does not fade even today. She took part in the decoration of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, the Grand Kremlin Palace, Moscow metro stations.

Jasper vase

Today, products made from Russian jasper can be seen not only in Russia, but also in the palaces of European countries.

Fashion trends of our time

Jasper jewelry is magnificent. Many women love this gem for its wonderful combinations in products. Beads, bracelets, pendants, earrings, rings, brooches are made of stone. These products are relatively inexpensive, and many women can buy them. Jasper has undoubtedly been a popular stone lately. There are several reasons for this. This is an exuberant brightness in fashion, a mix of prints and styles, the popularity of handicrafts, jewelry made from various natural materials.

And let's also remember about individuality. This stone best demonstrates the uniqueness and peculiarity, because each gem has its own unique pattern and set of shades. Therefore, buy yourself a jasper jewelry and preferably more than one. It is necessary to buy a gem also because of its serious medicinal properties.

The magical and healing properties of jasper

In ancient China, jasper was used to treat female diseases. She was credited with the properties of stopping bleeding and cleaning internal organs, helping women during childbirth. It was believed that the stone is a good helper for various seizures, in particular for epilepsy.

Jasper has been used since antiquity as a talisman, symbolizing courage and firmness. Ancient healers and doctors claimed that the gem would drive away evil and gloomy thoughts, so amulets were made from the mineral. Certain properties were attributed to each color of the stone. Therefore, people believed that dark stones have properties to protect from the evil eye, cold shades bestow foresight, red jasper will relieve disease, and even strengthen female attractiveness, green stones will calm the nervous system, brown stones will help store energy.

Jasper is considered an energetic talisman. She brings well-being to the house and cleans the space of negative influences.

Ancient healers advised those who were obsessed with such ailments as stuttering to wear jasper pendants. Many healing properties of the mineral are also confirmed by modern lithotherapists, for example, they recommend wearing a gem to those who care about their health and longevity, assuring that jasper has a rejuvenating effect.

Jasper necklace
Red jasper and turquoise

Who suits

What do astrologers say? If you believe them, then all signs of the zodiac can wear jasper, only the fiery ones are recommended for red and orange jasper, airy - white and yellow shades, watery - blue and gray, earthy - brown and green shades. And advises you to wear your favorite jasper jewelry and jewelry!

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