Fashion trends

Coronavirus manicure: a new trend in the world of nail design

The coronavirus pandemic is uniquely affecting all areas of our lives. And on fashion and fashion trends in the world of beauty too. In particular, tough quarantine measures could not but affect the nail industry. Many beauty salons and manicure rooms are closed for quarantine, which means that women must either remove extended nails and gel polish, or take care of their nails on their own.

But at the same time, quarantine is already much weakened in many countries, and beauty salons are reopening. And experts in the nail industry suggest doing at this difficult time and not an ordinary manicure, but ... "coronavirus"! Why is it called that? It's simple: it is planned to paint the insidious "hedgehogs" of the COVID-19 virus, stylized protective masks and other attributes of a modern pandemic on the nails.

This is a great option to relax, take a break from all the negativity of news and what is happening in the world, treat the situation with a certain amount of humor, and, perhaps, draw a real "talisman" and a talisman on your nails to protect yourself from the virus. Here are the most interesting options that can be adopted.

Coronavirus manicure
Coronavirus manicure

Coronavirus "hedgehogs"

The structure of the virus, which is visible only under a microscope with a huge magnification, resembles a ball, from which "rays" radiate in all directions. That is why it is called "coronavirus", as it resembles a corona. But many virologists call these particles "hedgehogs." However, whatever you call them - "crowns", "hedgehogs", "thorns" - they can be safely drawn on the nails, and they will look really interesting.

Coronavirus manicure: fashion trend

The most common color option for these particles is green. Although virologists have no opinion about the "color" of the virus. Therefore, you can turn on imagination and use any shade you like or suitable for your everyday looks. This year, the trend will be blue, grass green, yellow and orange, scarlet and dark pink, as well as mustard and lavender, which can be used as a background for a picture.

Stylized protective masks

Another interesting version of the pattern on the nails is stylized protective masks. Drawing them is extremely simple, especially if the nails are long enough. On a square shape, it will be quite easy to do this by drawing an eye at the base of the nail, and “turning” the rest of the square-ended part into a blue surgical mask. But on oval nails, and even on a shorter length, you can safely draw protective masks of all colors, shapes and sizes.

Manicurists who have good skills in drawing miniature objects with a thin brush can draw not ordinary surgical masks, but more sophisticated respirators and even gas masks. This is really interesting and very unusual, especially if the mask on the nails matches the color of the mask that you wear when going outside. Or you can turn each finger into your friend or acquaintance by using some of its special features and "putting on" a mask.

Warning notices

And marigolds can be turned into a real poster for the fight against coronavirus. On it, you can place warning labels for campaigning people during the quarantine period. For example, "keep your distance", although this is exactly what you will not be able to do if you want people around you to read the inscriptions on your nails! In fact, this is a joke, and not at all a call to gather in crowds at close range. After all, your "coronavirus" manicure can be photographed and posted on social networks, fulfilling all the conditions of self-isolation and quarantine.

Interesting ideas for writing on nails are not only the official medical name of the coronavirus "CoVID-19", but also the same slogans and hashtags: "stay home", "wash hands", " wear mask ”,“ break the chain ”. Quite in the spirit of the times, isn't it?

Tribute to doctors

It is known that a fairly large proportion of those infected with coronavirus worldwide are medical workers, orderlies, nurses and nurses, doctors, emergency workers, family doctors and many others. All of them are real heroes in white coats, because it is thanks to them that the fight against the virus is going on and hundreds and thousands of lives are saved.

In Italy and Spain, doctors are seen off and greeted by neighbors on the balconies with deafening applause. And you can also pay tribute to doctors by depicting them on your nails - creatively and with real meaning! It is enough to draw a stylized image of a doctor in a cap, mask and white coat or in a blue uniform. The inscriptions like “thank you, heroes” will successfully complement the images.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the so-called "coronavirus" manicure will definitely not claim sophistication, elegance or sophistication. But he can draw public attention to the problem, as well as relax a little, morally soften the situation and treat it with a certain amount of humor. And also, let's hope that a manicure in the style of CoVID-19 will definitely not claim to be durable, and soon we will forget both about this newfangled trend and about the coronavirus itself. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

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