
How to prolong the scent of perfume and use perfume sparingly

We all love to smell good, and we also want everyone around us to notice this smell. Therefore, we do not regret the fragrant water and press hard on the spray, trying to keep the smell with us until the very end of the day. And many also carry a miniature or an entire favorite bottle with them in their bag to renew the fragrance several times a day. Imagine our surprise when, after a couple of weeks, the perfume for which we paid a fabulous sum runs out!

It turns out that you can use perfume sparingly. Moreover, now, when everyone has an acute issue of saving their own budget, they have to spend money on necessity, not on a whim. Therefore, we decided to share useful tips and life hacks on how to use perfume correctly, so that it stays on the body for as long as possible, retains its aroma, but is used to a minimum.

How to prolong the scent of perfume

Tip # 1: apply perfume to the right spots

The “right” ones are those where the temperature of the skin changes and due to this the fragrance is released in small portions throughout the day. When it cools, the skin preserves the smell in itself, and when it warms up, on the contrary, it gives it away. Such a personal automatic "freshener" of the smell of your favorite perfume.

These places on our body are the pulse zones on the temples, wrists, neck, under the ears (carotid artery), on the inside of the elbows, and even on the back of the leg under the knees. It is in these places, where veins and arteries adjoin closer to the surface of the skin, that the perfume will open up much more brightly and successfully than on any other.

How to use perfume correctly so that it lasts longer?

Tip # 2: apply perfume to your hair

Hair does retain its fragrance for a long time, some even argue that even longer than our skin. If you put a drop of perfume on the curls, the aroma will be absorbed into them, and with each movement, the hair will gradually evaporate into the air. And what could be more sexy and inspiring than curls smelling of your favorite perfume?

It should be said, however, that many hairdressers, trichologists and hair experts speak negatively about this technique. The fact is that perfumes, as a rule, contain a large amount of alcohol, and therefore will greatly dry out the curls. Therefore, try not to spray perfume on the ends of your hair, which are already dry.

You can apply a small amount on the roots if you have a tendency to oily, but not on the scalp, as it can flake off or react with an allergic reaction. Another option is to sprinkle perfume on the comb and comb the curls. There are also special perfumes for hair, including in the lines of cosmetics that duplicate the smell of the main perfume.

Tip # 3: use skincare products that complement your main perfume

This is exactly what we said above. Many perfume brands supplement them with beauty products with the same scent. After all, if you take a shower with a gel with one scent, apply a cream on the body with another, use a deodorant with a third, and then also perfume with your favorite perfume, you will get a real cacophony of aromas. And the smell of the perfume itself will be significantly distorted.

Therefore, it is worth using cosmetics with the same aroma as the main perfume. This can be shower gel, bubble bath, body cream or oil, a light body spray or deodorant, and even shampoo and hair spray. This cosmetics can be used during the day - it will leave a light unobtrusive flair, and the perfume itself can be applied in the evening for greater intensity of the scent.

Tip # 4: use an unscented body cream

An unscented body cream is what we said above. Or use a cream duplicating perfume fragrance, or find an option that is completely fragrance-free.Interesting life hack: add a few drops of your favorite perfume to the body cream without fragrances, and voila! - you already have hand made cosmetics duplicating perfume. The same can be done with body oil, and even with a shower gel, but the latter is unlikely to be found without a scent at all.

Tip # 5: use petroleum jelly

And petroleum jelly is needed for even more cunning. No, we do not call to use it as a care cream for the whole body, because apart from the banal softening of the skin and the effect of an oily mask, it will not give anything. But a small amount of Vaseline can be applied in a thin layer to the “correct” places for the perfume (see tip # 1) - wrists, neck, inner bends of elbows and knees.

Let the petroleum jelly soak a little, you can gently blot the excess with a napkin so as not to leave greasy stains on your clothes. Spray perfume on petroleum jelly and see how much longer it will last! A fatty ointment applied to the skin retains the odor molecules inside itself much longer than the skin itself, which, one way or another, will dry out after alcoholic perfume.

Tip # 6: don't rub your wrists

The wrists are one of the best areas for applying perfume. The vessels, which are closest to the surface of the skin, allow the perfume to evaporate into the air in a metered dose and give out the aroma more intensely. But many, putting perfume on their wrists, immediately strive to rub them against each other. Don't repeat this common mistake with your wrists or other places to apply perfume to your skin!

Rubbing perfume on the skin, rubbing the spray into it, the fragrance will never be revealed with the notes it should. The lightest and most volatile top notes of an olfactory perfume composition should not rub into the skin. They evaporate first and define the character of the entire fragrance. They should be in the air and envelop the skin, settling only on its uppermost layer. Spray the perfume on both wrists and let them dry naturally.

Tip # 7: choose the right concentration and store your perfume wisely

Many famous fragrances come in different concentrations. It can be body deodorant, mist (body spray water), eau de toilette, cologne, perfume. The names are given in order of increasing concentration of aromatic constituents in the mixture. Deodorants and body sprays are the least concentrated, evaporate the fastest and lose aroma, eau de toilette and cologne will last longer, but the most concentrated is perfume. Eau de Parfum (or Extrait de Parfum) contains from 20% to 40% aromatic substances, and therefore they stay on the body for the longest time.

Do not forget to store perfumes correctly, because, like any other cosmetic product, they can deteriorate from improper storage, lose their aroma, and distort the olfactory composition. It is better to keep the perfume in the room, not in the bathroom, as there is too much moisture. Try to place the perfume in a dark place, such as a closet or drawer on your dressing table. Do not shake the perfume too often, as air comes out of the bottle and the quality and concentration of the fragrance can be lost.

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