Hand care and manicure

How to care for your hands in the summer: tips and recipes

As Hollywood stylists say - "Nails today are the same accessory as a handbag or shoes." When photographing stars on the red carpet, hands are often caught in the lens.

Most women take care of their hands, but compared to the money they spend on facials, their hands are allocated the smallest part of the budget. Many of us limit ourselves to hand cream and no more, and, moreover, not always of high quality, and, therefore, cheap.

But recently, increased attention has been paid to the nails. On the one hand, social networks are to blame, on the other, it is not easy to see a girl on the street without a smartphone, thanks to which her hands are always in sight. This means the manicure too. But notice no manicure will not help ... if your hands are unkempt.

How to care for your hands in the summer: tips and recipes

A woman's age is indicated not only by wrinkles on her face, but also by her hands. Alas, this truth is easy to verify by looking at photos of celebrities whose hands have got into the lens. Why it happens? Because the sun, air and water, not to mention household chemicals, are not always our best friends. Their effect on the skin of the hands leads to unpleasant consequences - dryness, redness, flaking and even cracks.

Time flies quickly, and we suddenly notice that at some moments we want to hide our hands, even with a beautiful manicure. Unfortunately, by the time we catch ourselves staring at the unattractive skin of our hands, it's too late. Of course, something can be corrected, but not all. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your hands from an early age.

What are the basic rules for hand skin care should you always follow?


The skin of the hands needs constant moisture. Therefore, do not forget to pamper her with moisturizing and nourishing masks, apply a moisturizer every day. Before and after a manicure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. Pay attention to the composition of the cream. The best ingredients for the skin are vitamin E, allantoin, jojoba oil, avocado, tea tree oil, shea butter ... Thanks to these ingredients, the skin will become velvety and dryness will disappear.


Wear gloves when washing dishes.

When washing your hands with soap, it is best to use a mild or liquid soap. You can even use shaving cream to wash your hands.

Summer hand care


Proper nutrition is also important. To keep your nails healthy and your hands smooth and soft, eat more fruits and vegetables. Often, nail problems are the result of a lack of selenium, zinc, sulfur, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, group B, C and vitamin K. Eat more fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese. Saltwater fish will also provide your body with nutrients.

Lubricate your hands with olive oil daily (you can use others).

Make regular baths and masks for your hands and nails.

It is helpful to massage the hands and fingers. There are many active points on the hands that are "responsible" for the work of certain organs, therefore it is useful for the whole organism.

In summer, choose creams and lotions with UV filters to protect you from the sun.


Scrubs. These funds are known to everyone. There are also scrubs for hands, with the help of which dead skin cells are exfoliated, it smoothes and "rejuvenates". In addition, the penetration of nutrients contained in further care products is improved.

How to take care of your hand skin

The modern beauty industry market offers many creams that use mechanical or chemical agents. For home care, scrubs with a moderate effect are recommended; in the beauty parlor, scrubs are used that are designed for a long course and give a more noticeable effect.

Scrubs with mechanical action remove (erase) the layer of dead cells.But at the same time, the skin must definitely receive nutritional support to restore the chemical and biological balance. Therefore, make sure in advance that tonics, balms, moisturizers and hand masks are on the shelf with other care products.

The same recommendations apply to the use of scrubs with chemical components. Most of these scrubs do not penetrate deep into the skin, but act on the uppermost layers. But the skin also becomes more sensitive and therefore needs additional nutrition.

Home care hand masks

Some procedures that are beneficial for the skin of the hands can only be performed in the salon, but there are many folk remedies that can help make your hands smooth and velvety at home. They are affordable for every woman.

Summer bath for chapped hands

Pound two tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves and mix with one glass of milk. Immerse your hands in this liquid for 20 minutes. Then rinse and apply cream.

Summer hand cream with honey and herbs

Pour a mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water (one tablespoon of chamomile, plantain, marigold and string). Insist for 8 - 9 hours under the lid. Strain. Add one teaspoon of honey to butter weighing 50 grams and grind, then pour a tablespoon of herbal infusion into the mixture and mix. The cream can be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator.

Linen mask for nourishing the skin of the hands

Flaxseed oil, lemon juice - mix one teaspoon, one yolk and one teaspoon of honey until smooth. After applying to the skin of the hands, put on plastic gloves (or bags), then cotton gloves. The nourishing mask is applied one hour before bedtime.

Hand masks

Oatmeal mask

Instant mask. It gives softness to the skin. Mix 1.5 tsp. oat flour with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add 1 tsp each. lemon juice and glycerin. Mix everything well until smooth and apply on the skin of your hands for 10 - 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.

Glycerin mask

The mask moisturizes the skin of the hands well. It is suitable for dry and cracked skin. Add 1/2 tsp to 1/4 cup hot water. corn flour and 50g glycerin. Stir until smooth and apply to hands. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

Bath for strengthening nails with salt and iodine

Pour warm water into the bath, dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of salt in it and add 2 - 3 drops of iodine. Dip your fingers into the resulting liquid for 20 minutes.

The woman's age is given by her hands. So help your indefatigable hands keep youthful.

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