has already told you what shades of hair will be the most fashionable in 2024... And now it's time to dwell in more detail on the staining techniques. The well-known ombre and balayage seem to never leave the peak of popularity. We will also tell you more about them, as well as discover some more interesting dyeing technologies that you can use in 2024 to be the most fashionable and stylish.
We will not talk about drastically dyeing hair in a different color. Any experienced master can handle the transformation of a blonde into a brunette and even a brunette into a blonde. But tint coloring, as well as other similar technologies, are intended for those who want to emphasize their natural and already familiar style without resorting to drastic changes.
Even schoolgirls have already heard about the ombre. This dyeing technique has skyrocketed to the peak of popularity and is not slowing down. Ombre allows you to be both a blonde and a brunette, a brunette and a redhead, a blonde and ... an elf with pink or blue hair ends!
The essence of such a staining technique is a smooth transition from one shade to another, usually from dark at the roots to light or colored at the tips. It can even be polar shades, for example, a very dark brunette (graphite, chocolate, chestnut, dark blond) at the roots with a transition to platinum blonde at the tips.
Ombre should be performed only by a highly qualified master, who will make exactly a smooth transition of shades. Forget about artisanal coloring, when the hair is bleached from the middle and you can see a clear contrast between the colors. The ombre staining technique involves the use of not two, but several, even up to 5-7 different shades to ensure a perfect and invisible color transition. However, the ombre looks more impressive on dark hair, when it is smoothly lightened from top to bottom. It suits brunettes and dark-blond girls who want to achieve more variety.
This technique is also not new in 2024. She has been known for several years and is popular with both blondes and brunettes. Dyeing the shatush gives the effect of sunburned strands, as if you have just returned from tropical countries. Moreover, it will be appropriate not only in the summer, but absolutely at any time of the year. Whoever shatush is not suitable is for brunettes with blue-black hair - against such a background, light strands (even lighter by only a few tones) will not look very appropriate and natural. Why shatush, and where did this word come from?
Translated from French "shatush" literally means "goat down". A funny term, but the technique includes just such a step - fluffing the hair before dyeing. The comb on the strands allows the paint not to envelop the curls along the entire length with a dense layer, but to lie down more naturally, not for the entire length and not for the entire depth of the hair. In addition, paint is applied not from the very roots, but only to the middle and ends of the hair. Thus, with the help of shatush (which is also often called French highlighting), you can achieve a truly natural, lightened effect of "sunny" inclusions.
One term is more intricate than the second, agree? However, most of them are French words, which in translation really have a reference to the technique used for dyeing. The word "majimesh" consists of two French words "magic meche", which translates as "magic strands".
In many ways, this technique resembles highlighting, and many people know firsthand what highlighting is.Who, in his youth, was not fond of highlighting strands and did not go to a dark-light strip? But in fact, modern majimesh has very little in common with the traditional highlighting of that time. It is worth mentioning that majimesh is suitable exclusively for blondes, and for blondes by nature. If you want to make your blonde hair even lighter visually, majimesh is created just for you.
As in highlighting, paint is applied to individual strands to brighten them. Particular attention is paid to the strands of the face for an even greater visual lightening effect. But this paint does not contain ammonia, and therefore in no way will damage the curls, even the most delicate ones. And in natural blondes, as you know, most of the hair is thin and very fragile by nature.
With mazhimesh you can not be afraid to harm your hair. But it will also not work to achieve a platinum effect or cold tones, precisely because the paint does not contain ammonia and lightening components. To do this, you will have to make toning with some kind of tint after applying the majimesh technique.
California highlights
Also not a new technique, but in 2024 it is very fashionable and relevant. This dyeing method actually appeared in California. It involves dyeing individual strands from the root itself, much like highlighting. But if in the classical highlighting and in the majimesh technique exclusively light paint is used, then in the Californian highlighting it is supposed to be stained with different shades, similar in color. As a rule, 3-4 different shades are used, for example, from black to chocolate or ash, or from dark blond to light blond.
But that's not all! The full effect of California highlighting can only be appreciated when the hair grows back a little. Then the roots are painted in one of those shades that were used for the strands, as a rule, in the darkest. This technique does not give a smooth transition of color, like ombre, or the effect of sun glare, like shatush. But here you can play with color tints. Californian highlights look especially good on brunettes and brown-haired women. You can pick up several colors that differ literally by half a tone, and create the effect of volume, density and a unique play of color.