Fashion women clothes

Michael Kors 2024-2025: the best things of the season

In the autumn-winter season 2024-2025, there are many collections that not only delight, but delight - some with their luxury, others with a combination of elegance and practicality. A number of brands favor classic style, comfort and minimalism.

You can continue to list those styles that inspired the designers, but now let's take a look at the new Michael Kors Collection. In it, the designer successfully combined comfort, the feeling of warmth and homeliness of a country house with elegance and luxury in an urban environment.

Beautiful womens fashion
Beautiful womens fashion

"We may not be able to move to the countryside, but we can remember the feeling of coziness and fill it with the glitz and luxury that we need in an urban environment" - thinks so Michael Kors.

Yes, the collection combines rustic comfort and urban sophistication. There are a variety of capes and well-knitted sweaters, warm sheepskin coats and casual skirts, pleated evening dresses and high boots, cow print, paisley and plaid, oversized and fitted suits, long jackets and large bags, ... There are many casual options among the models, they are all extraordinarily feminine.

Michael Kors 2024-2025
Michael Kors 2024-2025

The creative ideas of the designers include a variety of ideas. In this collection, Michael Kors claims that fashion 2024-2025 should be not only cozy and comfortable, but also luxurious.

The collection has a calm, and even muted, color palette. Monochrome images alternate with a muted range of gray, sandy shades, khaki, occasionally red, yellow, orange highlights appear.

Elegant fall winter style
Elegant fall winter style

In prints, the main role belongs to the cage - there are many, very many. Michael Kors believes that a simple cage will fit not only in the clothes of a rural dweller, but also a glamorous fashionista. In almost every collection, the designer prefers a particular print. In this case, the cage set the tone for many images, it can be seen in capes, suits, skirts, dresses. And everywhere she attracts attention.

Women's Fashion Michael Kors
Women's Fashion Michael Kors

In addition to the cage, the designer uses a paisley pattern in modest muted shades that perfectly match the collection's color palette, as well as an animal print, in particular a cow print. It is distinguished by its simplicity, it goes well with any other color and clothing. In addition, the cow print is directly related to the western style, and the western is again the village life.

Womens Fashion Autumn Winter
Fashion trends 2024-2025

In the fall-winter 2024-2025 collection, the designer paid the most attention to outerwear and knitwear. Elegant capes and oversized sweaters were especially rich in variety. Knitted long scarves have found their place not only in combination with sweaters, but also with evening dresses.

Knitted long scarves

The collection also pays due attention to the military style, in which overcoats with metal buttons, harnesses on a feminine dress in a cage, a long jacket with shoulder straps, belt bags with carabiners.

Michael Kors 2024-2025: the best things of the season

High boots with stable heels are the most comfortable footwear not only in military operations, but also in rural life, and in general, they go well with any outfit, even with evening wear.

Women's Fashion Michael Kors
Women's Fashion Michael Kors

The designer in each collection strives to create such models that will quickly find their owners, since "The best clothes are those that make you feel relaxed and comfortable, as if you are in a soft blanket."

The Michael Kors Collection 2024-2025 show was highly praised by fashion critics, calling it one of the most successful.

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