Dolls and baby clothes

Doll as a gift for the New Year: choose a toy

The doll is one of the most ancient toys. Probably, at all times, little girls nursed a piece of wood wrapped in rags or a toy sewn by their mother. And now a doll from Antonio Juan is the best gift for a girl for the New Year. A new doll under the tree is guaranteed to delight the little owner. After all, this toy has all the characteristics necessary for a New Year's surprise:

  1. beautiful appearance;
  2. demand (even if a girl already has a lot of dolls, she will still be happy with a new girlfriend);
  3. element of surprise.

And if you do not know what to give your child for a holiday, feel free to choose a doll! You can rest assured that this choice will be appreciated.

Doll as a gift

How to choose a gift

Now on sale you can find many toys in different price categories. But if we are talking about a New Year's gift, you should not save. It is unlikely that you want the child, whom you want to make a pleasant surprise, to be upset because in the first hour during the game the toy's leg came off or when the evening wash the paint peels off the face of the new "girlfriend". New Year is the main holiday of the year, and no annoying accidents should overshadow it.

When choosing a toy, pay attention to the following points:

  • materials of manufacture;
  • appearance;
  • manufacturer.

Nowadays, a wide variety of materials are used to make dolls: from classic hard plastic (not the best choice) to porcelain, textiles and latex. Vinyl dolls are a good choice. This material is pleasant to the touch and safe. Materials that are soft and pleasant to the touch make you want to take the toy in your hands and stimulate you to play. The rough, "cooling" texture creates a negative attitude towards the toy.

Doll as a gift

Pay attention to the doll's appearance and outfit. The toy should evoke positive emotions. It is best to choose a toy with a neutral or welcoming expression. It is desirable that the clothes are made from natural materials. Fluffy nylon dresses look pretty but are not too tactile or durable.

Finally, the manufacturer is important. When purchasing toys from well-known brands, you can be sure that they used environmentally friendly materials that do not emit harmful substances and do not pose a danger to the child. In addition, responsible manufacturers also care about the durability of the products.

If the toy breaks, the child can experience real stress, especially if the girl has just received a long-awaited toy as a gift from Santa Claus. You can definitely avoid such a "misfortune" if you choose the Spanish manufacturer Antonio Juan, you can buy a toy for girls of any age. The assortment of the manufacturer also includes high-quality doll furniture, strollers and clothes.

If you are preparing a gift for a girl who is under three years old, make sure that the toy does not have small and easily detachable elements. For example, models with lush hair and sets of hairpins that you just want to put in your mouth and taste are not suitable for such babies. You should not choose toys with clothes with small buttons. The little one simply cannot cope with dressing and undressing her girlfriend, which will lead to disappointment.

Doll as a gift

Which doll to choose

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of toys: these are baby dolls, adult "ladies", teenagers and schoolgirls. Dolls are sold with houses and their own wardrobe, babies - with a set of accessories, bottles, changing accessories, etc.

Toys can be equipped with additional functions: wiggle your arms or legs, nod your head, talk and cry. Such "live" toys are especially appreciated by children, but psychologists do not recommend buying too "live" dolls for children under 3-4 years old. The toy's many functions will hinder the development of imagination. The child will only think about which button to press to make the "baby" cry or close his eyes. It is much more useful if the baby herself will voice the actions and desires of her toy. In addition, small children are not very careful, and the failure of the sound or the function of the movement of the handles can be a real tragedy. But for older children, a crying and talking antonio juan doll will be a great gift. The baby will be proud of such a smart toy in front of her girlfriends.

As for the choice of the "age" of the doll, it all depends on the preferences of a particular child. Some people like to swaddle and feed babies, other girls prefer toy princesses, and still others like miniature models of modern teenagers.

If you are preparing a gift for a child without knowing his preferences, it is worth consulting with the parents. If this is not possible, then you can use the advice of psychologists. Experts say that girls under 3-4 years old prefer babies. The little ones, who recently rode in a stroller themselves, gladly swaddle and feed their toy "little brothers" and "sisters".

From 4-5 years old, girls begin to take an interest in "adult" life. Dolls (modern or fairy princesses) with lush long hair and a set of clothes are suitable for them. At this age, small dolls are also popular with children, with which you can play around with various life situations.

Doll for New Year

If we consider younger schoolgirls, then the situation here can be very diverse. Someone returns to babies again, while other first-graders enthusiastically play role-playing games with "teenage girlfriends." At this age, girls are also attracted to dolls with an "adult" build and reborn models, which are difficult to distinguish from living babies. Depending on your preference, you can buy Antonio Juan dolls imitating boys or girls.

Naturally, these recommendations are general in nature. It all depends on the personality of the child, her environment and personal preferences. But you can be sure that even if you buy a beautiful and expensive doll that does not quite correspond to the child's current interests, the girl will be happy with such a gift. And she will definitely find a suitable role for the New Year's present in her games.

The doll is the best educational toy

Now you can meet quite a few parents concerned about the early development of a child. Often moms and dads prefer to buy construction sets and various educational aids for girls. These toys are good too. But the role of the classic doll cannot be underestimated.

The toy is a kind of human prototype. Favorite dolls become playmates. With them, the child masters role-playing, lives through various emotional situations, masters various roles:

  • a parent, when imitating his mother, bathes and feeds his toy;
  • a teacher or kindergarten teacher;
  • seller or buyer;
  • doctor and patient, etc.

The doll can also serve as a kind of emotional outlet. The child may punish their toys for misconduct or replay peer conflicts and other difficult situations.

Doll for New Year

Develops doll and creativity. Even if you buy a toy with a voluminous wardrobe, the girl, sooner or later, will want to "please" her girlfriend with new clothes. And be sure that self-made clothing, even if it is a simple rag with cut holes for hands, will become the doll's favorite.

Girls are also happy to do hairstyles for their favorites: they braid braids, decorate the doll's hair with hairpins and elastic bands.This means that they develop fine motor skills, and additionally master the basics of hairdressing.

Another exciting activity: building doll houses. You can use shoe boxes and any materials at hand. The girl learns to come up with interior elements and rationally arrange furniture in order to create a beautiful and stylish home for her pet.

To summarize, we can say that the doll will be the best New Year's gift for a girl from one to ten years old. This toy is always relevant. "Girlfriend" will help develop imagination, creativity, emotions, explore the world and learn to communicate. Even grown-up girls fondly remember their favorite dolls. Therefore, do not hesitate: a new beautiful doll for the New Year is the most desirable gift for every baby. You yourself will understand this when you see in the eyes of the child the genuine joy of the miracle that has come true.
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