Everyone knows how sea water has a beneficial effect on our body. Many people have been convinced from personal experience that the skin becomes clean, taut, takes on an attractive appearance, there is a feeling of youth, health, and energy appears. And all this is not only due to the carefree state on summer vacation or tan to black. No, the state of health of the body is also acquired thanks to sea procedures, sea water, saturated with the unique gifts of nature.
However, vacation is not as long as we would like, and you need to regain your strength regularly. Therefore, let's figure out together how to do this without leaving your home. Yes, of course, sea salt baths.
Salt baths at home for skin beauty
Many women use the classic sea salt when taking a bath. But besides her, there are other types of salt, which, perhaps, are less known, but are rich in mineral content and, at the same time, can improve health, increase activity, improve concentration, and much more.
Consider four types of salt
Epsom salt
Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Unlike table salt (NaCl), Epsom salt has the formula - MgSO4 (magnesium, sulfur and oxygen).
What are the advantages of the substance, in addition to the laxative effect, which is used in medicine? Epsom salt dissolved in the bath improves well-being, has an antibacterial effect, rejuvenates, relieves muscle tension, and smoothes wrinkles. It contains 99% magnesium, which means that baths with Epsom salt will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
During frequent stress, our body loses magnesium, and baths with Epsom salt will help to replenish this loss. In addition, magnesium is involved in the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), so after taking a bath, your mood will improve, you will become more calm and balanced.
Epsom salt was first obtained in England in the 17th century by evaporating water from mineral springs located near the city of Epsom. Epsom salt has a number of other names - magnesia, magnesium salt, Epsom salt.
Himalayan (pink) bath salt
According to its chemical composition, Himalayan salt is table salt, therefore 95 - 98% consists of sodium chloride, the rest is polyhalite (potassium, calcium, magnesium sulfate). Iron impurities give the salt crystals a pink or even red color. Salt is mined in the foothills of the Salt Ridge, located on the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The mines are located at a distance of 310 km from the Himalayas, hence the name of salt.
Advantages of salt - restores the elasticity of the skin, has a relaxing and powerful detox effect, that is, the elimination of toxins and waste products of cells from the skin. Harmful substances that accumulate in our skin cells disrupt their work, so metabolic processes in the skin slow down, and this leads to the formation of fluid stagnation, swelling under the eyes, dullness of the skin, and then to wrinkles and all sorts of rashes.
Himalayan salt strengthens the immune system, removes excess fluid, burns fat. Consequently, the result will be a toned body and excellent well-being. Pink salt heals insect bites.After a workout, it is good to lie down in a bath with pink salt, this procedure will help to relax, relieve spasms and restore muscle tone.
Sea salt (Dead Sea salt) for beauty
In the waters of the Dead Sea are dozens of varieties of minerals and trace elements necessary for human life: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bromine, rubidium, sulfuric acid ions, carbon dioxide ions, ... About five trace elements are nowhere found in such quantities as in the salt of the Dead Sea.
Dead Sea salt is a storehouse of potassium and magnesium. As you know, magnesium helps to relax muscle tissue, soothes the nervous system. The concentration of magnesium in the Dead Sea salt reaches 35%. Potassium normalizes heart rate and acid-base balance, ensures the transfer of energy within cells.
The advantages of trace elements can be enumerated for a long time, and hence the advantages of the Dead Sea. But in short, the Dead Sea minerals cleanse the pores, create a barrier in the subcutaneous layer, which prevents moisture loss, strengthens teeth and gums, normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, relieves puffiness, and increases the body's immunity. However, things are not so simple. If you go on a journey to the Dead Sea, then beauty and health baths are provided for you. And if you want to enjoy your own bath at home, then ...
It is important to remember that there are many companies on the modern Russian market that sell ordinary (table or sea) salt under the guise of Dead Sea salt. Often resorts, clinics and SPA-salons use artificially created solutions of the Dead Sea salt, but they do not hide this fact. The geochemical properties of Dead Sea salt cannot be fully reproduced artificially.
If you are assured that salt is indeed a gift from the Dead Sea, then accompanying documentation must be attached to it indicating the country of extraction (Jordan or Israel), and even the number or location of the pool.
The supply of Dead Sea salt and mud to various countries from Israel and Jordan is under the strictest control. Dead Sea salt helps to strengthen the immune system, relieve fatigue, reduce weight, improve blood circulation and metabolism.
As a cosmetic product, baths with sea salt will help improve the condition of the skin - make it more elastic and velvety, smooth out wrinkles. Salt baths work as lifting agents.
On the recommendation of doctors, Dead Sea salt baths can be used if you are concerned about:
neuroses and insomnia
chronic fatigue
weak immunity
joint injuries and pains, cramps
skin diseases
Crimean (Saki) bath salt
The Crimean salt contains sodium chloride, bromine, calcium, iodine, boron, magnesium, beta-carotene, strontium, as well as iron, molybdenum, potassium, zinc.
Crimean salt is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. The beneficial effect of Crimean salt on the human body has been confirmed by nutritionists and endocrinologists. Salt baths help to restore the protective functions of the body.
Baths based on Saki salt can be used for pathology of the cardiovascular system, for arthritis and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Baths with Crimean salt are recommended for the prevention of infections, with neuroses, excessive irritability and fatigue, depression and stress. These baths are effective for pulmonary diseases and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Many women have appreciated the Crimean salt in cosmetic procedures. A bath with Crimean salt cleanses the skin, removes toxins and toxins, strengthens nails, eliminates cellulite, increases skin elasticity and turgor. Crimean salt is sometimes called the Rose Gold of the Crimea. Its pink color is due to the influence of Dunaliella algae. However, during long-term transportation, the color of the salt may slightly differ from the original.
What kind of bath salt to buy?
Give preference to natural remedies initially.Further - you should choose based on what result you want to get. Salt baths can help to relax, increase alertness, cellulite, lose weight, relieve joint and muscle pain, etc.
Perhaps you want to get a health, cosmetic or complex effect from salt baths? To purchase products from high quality raw materials, you should choose companies and stores that you absolutely trust. Use the services of reliable suppliers. Thus, the presence of harmful components in the salt composition can be avoided. Buying a larger mass of raw materials is always cheaper.
Any type of salt contains sodium chloride compounds. Other types of minerals are always present in salt, but there are fewer of them. However, it is on their content that the properties and type of salt depend. Sea salt contains the largest amount of minerals, therefore it is most often used as a remedy.
Consider salt carefully when purchasing. Crystals should be of medium or large size, without sand and other impurities. The composition allows natural additives such as plant extracts, essential oils, crushed flowers and herbs. Food coloring is possible.
Salt, which contains unnatural ingredients - surfactants, flavors, harmful dyes, or there is a suspicion of vague formulations, for example, not "orange essential oil", but "orange", should not be bought.
Choose quality products to get the benefits of salt. If you follow certain rules, then salon procedures can be replaced with home baths.
When salt baths are contraindicated
Salt baths should not be used for tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, purulent lesions, during pregnancy. Baths are contraindicated in hypertension, trophic ulcers, thrombosis, gout, as well as in case of individual intolerance. You can not take a bath in case of heart diseases such as arrhythmia, severe heart failure. Salt baths are contraindicated in case of oncological diseases and during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Some general contraindications for taking salt baths:
The bath should not be taken immediately after a meal, preferably after 1-1.5 hours.
It is strictly forbidden to take a bath while intoxicated.
You cannot take a bath in the first weeks after the operation (consultation with a doctor is required).
Women should refrain from taking salt baths on women's critical days.
Do not take a salt bath if the salt contains minerals or additives that in your case may be harmful. For example, you cannot take a salt bath with iodine-bromine supplements if:
increased levels of thyroid hormones
during pregnancy
Salt baths with sulfide additives are prohibited when:
bronchial asthma
diseases of the kidneys and liver
exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
In addition, individual intolerances and allergies are possible. In other words, before starting salt procedures, consultation with a doctor is required.
Recommendations for those who choose home salt treatments
Dosing recommendations should be followed. A low concentration of salt in the bath may not have the desired effect, and a large one will cause redness and dryness of the skin. In order not to be mistaken, you should read the instructions on the packaging.
At the time of taking a bath, the water temperature should not be higher than 38 degrees. It is necessary to go into the bath after dissolving the salt crystals. The duration of the bath should be no more than 15 - 20 minutes.
Salt baths usually give the maximum positive result after 12-15 procedures, which are taken after two days for 15-20 minutes (however, you should consult a doctor). Before taking a salt bath, you must first take a shower. Do not use soap or other cleansers after the salt bath.
For greater benefit, it is necessary that the salt cover remains on the body as long as possible, so you cannot rinse in the shower after a bath (at least about an hour). You can dry your body with a towel.
Sea salt should not be used with whirlpool, as salt water can damage the engine of the device. If you need a hydromassage, then first take a whirlpool bath, then unplug the device, add salt and enjoy the salt bath.
Salt baths with essential oils
Salt can be mixed with your favorite essential and cosmetic oil, used as a natural scrub that will cleanse the skin of impurities and help exfoliate dead skin cells. But essential oils should be used with great care, since they are all highly allergenic.
This salt, saturated with essential oils, can be made by yourself. Pour salt into a dry glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and drip essential oils into it (10-15 drops per 500 g of salt). Close the lid and shake the salt well. Your aroma salt is ready.
A treatment course with the help of salt baths will help maintain health and replenish the lack of minerals in the body.
What salt to take a bath with? It depends on what kind of result you want to get. The gifts of nature support youth and beauty, stop the progression of pathological processes. After all, due to the baths, excess fluid is removed from the body along with toxins, a rapid breakdown of fats occurs, joint and muscle pains are relieved, spasms are relieved, cramps are eliminated.
Baths with sea salt help with diseases of the joints and spine. These saline treatments fight various skin conditions and are used to maintain elasticity and firmness of the skin. Salt baths have the most beneficial effect on the nervous system.