Materials Science

What fabric to choose: we study the composition

The heat in Moscow does not intend to recede, and the demand for things made from natural materials is growing. Linen T-shirts at ZARA were disassembled in the first hours of the sale, because it is believed that they are not so hot in them and that natural fabrics are better than synthetics. But are they really better? And if better, then how? How to distinguish natural? Today I, Evgenia Beletskaya, a stylist, a graduate of Condé Nast College (Spain) and a personal shopper Vogue, will tell you about what fabrics exist, how to learn to distinguish them and why we still need synthetics.

Let's start with the misconception that fabrics can only be natural or synthetic. In fact, there are three types of fibers (and already fabric is made from them).

Which fabric to choose

Natural fibers of fabrics

The first and most famous type is natural. These are all those that grow in nature or are obtained by shearing animals, and also with the help of a silkworm. These include linen, cotton, silk, wool and cashmere especially fashionable this summer. There are also natural fibers of mineral origin, for example, asbestos. It is used in industry and for the production of protective clothing, so this material cannot be found in a regular store.

Recently, viscose has been included in the list of natural materials, but initially it was ranked among artificial materials.

Silk dress
Silk dress

The advantages of natural fabrics are undeniable: they are easy to breathe, they are environmentally friendly, do not electrify, they are not hot in summer and not cold in winter. And of course, this is just prestigious - who can resist a dress made of natural silk?
But the disadvantages can be significant. We all know how easy linen wrinkles (and that's why we just stopped ironing it), wool can stretch or shrink when washed, cotton fades in the sun, and if you sweat in a natural shirt, wet spots will be visible to everyone from afar.

Silk dress

Synthetic fibers for clothing

This is where synthetic fabrics come in. Synthetics are a refined product. It is very easy to distinguish such fabrics - everything that starts with the words "poly" - polyester, polyurethane, polyamide (nylon and nylon are also its derivatives), polyacrylic, polyester, etc. Synthetics are used to make tights, faux fur and leather, dresses, trousers - whatever.

First of all, we remember the shortcomings of synthetics. The skin in it does not breathe (it's like putting on a plastic bag), clothes are electrified, can cause allergies, and there's no need to talk about environmental friendliness.

But there are also undeniable advantages! Synthetics perfectly protect from rain and wind, dries quickly, retains bright colors and practically does not deform. Also, these clothes are great for sports. Modern technology has advanced far ahead, so today sportswear stretches well, and manufacturers made sure that the fabrics breathe and wick away moisture.

Which fabric to choose
Polyester dress


What is the third type of fiber there? These are the so-called artificial fabrics. These are fabrics that are obtained by chemical processing of cellulose. They are worth taking a closer look at! Man-made fibers combine the advantages of synthetics and natural fabrics and even surpass them to some extent. For example, viscose shines as beautifully as silk, while practically does not fade, and also absorbs moisture much better than cotton. True, it is still not so strong.

Lyocell (aka Tencel) also breathes well, while not inferior to cotton in strength. Acetate is outwardly indistinguishable from silk and is much cheaper. Among the disadvantages - it is electrified and not as strong as dense silk.

Viscose dress
Viscose dress

How to choose fabric for clothes

Study yourself.What fabrics can I wear? Do I have allergies? Does a wool sweater bite? Am I comfortable in this fabric? What things did I wear and wear with pleasure?

Explore the composition. Which materials are suitable for me from the materials offered in the store? What can I allow in my wardrobe? Is this thing wrinkling already on the hanger? Is this sweater already rolling down? Leave them in the store if you are not ready to bring them to the "marketable" condition every day.

Which fabric to choose

Combine! A small percentage of synthetics in the composition can prolong the "life" of a thing for a long time. A cashmere coat is great, but it will wrinkle. But a woolen coat with a small percentage of synthetics will not only warm, but also save you from the daily need to steam.

The choice is always yours. Do not be afraid to try new materials and brands, remember what is right for you, and choosing clothes for every day will only bring joy.

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