
Office clothing style: how to look fashionable and not boring

What picture comes to mind when someone tells you about "office style"? I'll try to guess, fitted cuts and restrained colors?

Yes, the classic business dress code is often synonymous with restraint, severity and complete disregard for fashion trends. But, the modern world seems to say: "We do not need restrictions, we are all individual, we need to express ourselves." So the office style is gradually going through its changes, slightly adjusting to requests and allowing you to show your individuality through clothes.

In order, your clothes always tell more about you than you think. So that the clothes speak of you as a professional who keeps up with the times, I suggest starting to figure out how to come to this.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the current styles.

For a very long time, girls preferred tapered trousers, fitted jackets and other tight-fitting clothing. Now it looks irrelevant and, moreover, such clothes are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, with the further purchase of products, try to pay attention to looser styles: straight, semi-adjacent, semi-fitted cut, the main thing is not to slide into extremes.

Office clothing style

Color spectrum

The classic rules for building an office style dictate to us that the color palette should be restrained and muted - black, gray, white and dark blue colors. But all this should be adhered to only if at your work in the rules of the dress code it is so spelled out. In modern realities, it is assumed that things can be: green, beige, pale pink, brown, red and other shades.

The only thing to remember is that you should not overload your image with a riot of colors. The best option is to use brighter colors as accents, as accessories and embellishments. Try adding more color to your office wardrobe. White can be not only a shirt, but also trousers, and if you dilute it with a brown jacket, you will have a modern, business image.

Beautiful business style

Shoes for office looks

Probably the most controversial issues have always been the shoes. It is worth mentioning that the same rule applies here as with the color scheme. The most common option for all occasions is pumps. Nice shoes, you can't argue, but you can't just walk in them all the time. Good news, pumps are not the only shoes that may be present in an office wardrobe, I suggest considering alternative options:

Office style shoes


Office style shoes

Ankle boots

Office clothing style: how to look fashionable and not boring


Ballet shoes


So we got to the most interesting topic - accessories. Many, due to ignorance, prefer to either wear them at least or not wear them at all. But it is they who help complete the image and correctly place accents. We remember that the main rule when choosing accessories for the office is their restraint and conciseness.

Business style accessories
Business style accessories

It seems that everything does not sound very difficult, but applying these tips your looks will always look stylish and interesting.

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