Dolls and baby clothes

The history of fashion and costume in clothes for dolls

Many of us have children and we think about what to do, captivate, interest them, so that they, having various hobbies and interests, are protected from a bad society, idle pastime and bad addictions.

Today we will consider one of the hobby options that can keep our girls busy. Sewing a historical costume for dolls can become a chic hobby. Why do I suggest sewing for dolls, and not for myself? I explain with my own example, and examples from the lives of others beauties - starting to sew, embroider, knit, you will not be able to immediately get excellent results. Having knitted a blouse or hat, you see that it is of low quality and you can wear it only at home or in the countryside - a summer cottage. There are a lot of ready-made high-quality clothes around, which are very difficult to surpass in quality.

It will take years of hard work before you start sewing - take quickly and efficiently, getting products that are in no way inferior to ready-made fashionable clothes. Most will not have enough patience, because seeing the modest results of our work, most of us give up and give up what we started. I knitted for several months, knitted a blouse, a scarf and threw it away. Then, a few years later, she again wanted to return to her hobby - to have a thing for her soul. She took it up again with enthusiasm, but after a few months she gave up again.

Any quality results, in any endeavor, require patient daily practice multiplied by time.

What if you want to have a hobby, and do not have titanic patience, while you want to see the fruits of your labor as quickly as possible? There is a way out - to start sheathe your dolls, sew dresses for them, knit, embroider and decorate.

This does not require buying many meters of fabric and thread. Enough scraps of cloth fur, some threads and beads. And to make it interesting and at the same time informative, you can start creating a collection of historical costumes - while studying the history of fashion. Starting from a simple one, you can acquire skills, create a collection, learn a lot of new things, and most importantly, do not give up this business, because the doll is picky, and she will gladly wear a blouse, even with low-quality knitting - the doll is not proud and does not care what her friends say. This means that you do not have to dissolve a knitted sweater 10 times, tying one, you will start doing the second, the third and acquire skills, making each subsequent thing better and better.

For an example, check out this collection - the story of a costume in clothes for Barbie.

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Historical costume for Barbie - Ancient Greece 5-4 c. BC

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Clothes for dolls - Byzantine period, early Christianity

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Early Middle Ages - European costume in the 5-11 centuries.

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Costume for Barbie from the era of the Crusades, circa 13-14 century.

Clothes for dolls, historical costume for barbie

Early Renaissance Barbie 15-14

Beautiful clothes for Barbie

Gothic period - dress from France in the first half of the 15th century.

Beautiful clothes for Barbie

Gothic period - dress from France in the first half of the 15th century.

Beautiful clothes for Barbie

Italy, high renaissance late 15th century and early 16th.

Beautiful clothes for Barbie

England - Renaissance, early 16th century.

Beautiful clothes for Barbie

Barbie doll in Spanish costume from the second half of the 16th century.

DIY clothes for dolls

Costume for Barbie early 18th century, France Rococo.

DIY clothes for dolls

Barbie doll and later Rococo - second half of the 18th century, France.

DIY clothes for dolls

Another dress for a late Rococo Barbie from late 18th century France.

DIY clothes for dolls

DIY clothes for dolls

Barbie doll in clothes 1795-1800, France - classicism.

DIY clothes for dolls

1804-1810. England - Empire style doll clothes.

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

1810-1820 France.

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

Our Barbie in Clothes from France (Romanticism 1820-1830)

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

Our Barbie in Clothes from France (Romanticism 1820-1830)

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

We sew for dolls, clothes for Barbie

Clothes for Barbie Dolls

Dress for Barbie from France of the second Rococo period 1840-1850.

Clothes for Barbie Dolls

Dress for Barbie from France of the second Rococo period 1850-1867.

Clothes for Barbie Dolls

Clothes for Barbie Dolls

Clothes for Barbie Dolls

English costume for Barbie 1890-1900

Vintage clothes for barbies

Art Nouveau dress for a Barbie doll 1890-1910

Vintage clothes for barbies

France Modern 1900-1910

Vintage clothes for barbies

Vintage clothes for Barbie 1930-1940

Vintage clothes for barbies

Christian Dior Barbie Dress - New look

Vintage clothes for barbies

Vintage Barbie Clothes 1960-1970

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