Tips for aspiring bloggers

My site is dedicated to fashion and therefore, first of all, I pay attention to this topic, but at the same time I have the opportunity to share my experience in the development of Internet projects on completely different topics.

Today is the day when I wanted to tell you a few very important principles, the observance of which can make your work on the Internet more effective. It’s work. Therefore, if you are blogging for recreation and entertainment, the following tips are not essential for you, but may be useful.

It will not work to tell all your experience in one publication, write too much, and in one day it is unrealistic to remember everything - to systematize for the reader's understanding, and to capture it in the text.

Blog theme
When creating a blog, some people already know the topic they will write about. Perhaps this topic is their professional activity, or maybe an old dream that you want to realize thanks to blogs. When there is a clear knowledge of your desires, this is very good, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes a person has many hobbies, interests, but one cannot choose for blogging and in this case rushes about in doubts. The wealth of choice gives opportunities, but at the same time brings doubts, but will I do the right thing if I choose this? What to do in this case if you have many interests? It is necessary to look at possible topics for a blog from the following positions - how long-term is this topic, will it decline in 1-2 years? How much money is there? Indeed, in any case, starting a blog, even as a hobby, in the future it is necessary to receive a growing income from it. By creating a blog on a money-rich topic, you start to create your own small, but, nevertheless, real business. At the same time, one should not forget that in any business, and in general in any field of activity, where you can get money, fame and influence, competition awaits you. The more money and opportunities in the chosen area, the more serious competitors you will meet on your way.

Evaluate your strength realistically, while not looking for so-called unoccupied niches. Today, almost all human needs are satisfied, and finding a new niche is almost unrealistic. It's better to work in an already known niche, but do it a little better than everyone else.

Having chosen a topic, evaluate how realistic it is for you to gain knowledge in the chosen field, because, starting a blog, you need to constantly grow with it. Every day to gain new knowledge, new experience, and periodically make new useful contacts. In some areas you can grow and gain knowledge in full, but in some areas it may be unrealistic.
For example, I have a blog, the theme is the fashion industry in all its many-sided manifestations. I can tell and write a lot, especially where history and art, countries and cities, travel and philosophy are concerned. I can also tell a lot about perfumery, I love perfume and use different fragrances, including women's ones, but with the topic of cosmetics, everything is much more complicated. It is not given to me to use it, which means that it is unrealistic to experience my own experience. Therefore, in the development of, I am helped by girls who write some publications and comment on several blogs and forums.

Assistants or partners can greatly expand your blogging capabilities, but if you want to conduct exclusively your own author's project, really assess your own strengths and time, because there are still 24 hours in a day.

Blog stats and goals
From time to time, looking into different blogs, I noticed a list of the author's goals, where, in addition to cars, houses, trips to the islands, the site traffic appears by a certain date.This may motivate you to work hard, but there is also a downside to viewing statistics.

In most cases, the development of the site is not going as fast as we would like it to be. On the way, there are unforeseen circumstances, time delays and additional financial costs. A day, two, a week, two weeks pass, and the statistics of your site does not shine with beautiful numbers. You go to a popular forum, develop an interesting topic, where along the way you insert a link to your site. The topic collects a lot of messages and, of course, transitions to the site. On the first day, there is an explosive growth, several hundred people come to you, and then the attendance goes down and after 3-6 days it returns to where it started. This is not at all happy.

Continuing to develop the site, we draw the attention of search engines to our publications, and if we did everything right, they begin to give us a certain number of readers every day. True, attendance always grows at a much slower pace than we would like to see. When was about a month old (site, not domain) traffic went up and continued to grow. I wanted to accelerate this pace, and I regularly looked at the statistics. I can say 2-3 times a day I went to the statistics server in LiRu and looked at which pages they came to, how long they were delayed. It was a pleasant experience, but it did not always work out that way. On some days, attendance could drop dramatically, then come back again. It is very disappointing when you have already tuned in and told your friends that my site is visited by 300 people a day, and after a few days you see that the attendance has dropped. Now only 150 people came to your house per day, half as many! How can this be?

There are many reasons, perhaps one of your articles got into the TOP of search engines, hung there for 1-2 days and flew far, far away. Maybe some LJ blogger or LiRu gave his readers a link to your material, or maybe some seasonal request worked for you. The drop in traffic for a young blog can be huge. One day you experience joy, another day you feel disappointment. That was exactly what happened to me - joys and disappointments replaced each other. Having visited LiRu, I found that instead of 2500 visitors per day, 1500 came. Then the blog was already more or less promoted and such fluctuations were not observed. Seeing 1500 on the counter, I was very upset, but after a few hours I calmed down. It turns out that LiRu lost some of their statistics, and the numbers dropped dramatically. On the next day, everything recovered and was stable. Rather, there was an increase in attendance, then a drop by 700-900 per day. The fall lasted for two months, and then in a week there was an increase of 1000-1200 visitors per day.

Growth replaces decline, everything is like on the stock exchange, but in general, the attendance was steadily growing, and then I thought, what is the point of contemplating this counter every day, which pleases today, saddens tomorrow? Indeed, in any case, growth is observed in the long term. Therefore, the moment came when I closed the LiRu counter with a password, made the numbers invisible, and wrote the password on 2 DVD discs and hid both in the safe. From that moment, my day passes more predictably and steadily, I do not get distracted and do not waste emotions on random numbers, the relevance of which is temporary, but concentrate my strength on long-term growth.

Site statistics

Old chart, in a day I completely removed the LiRu counter
now statistics do not waste my time.

A little more time passed, and I completely removed the LiRu counter from the site, I have enough statistics from Google Adsense, which clearly shows how many pages were read or viewed by readers per month.

This experience is exclusively mine, and it is quite possible that it may not suit you. You can have your own - more efficient way of project development. I do not pretend to be a teacher and mentor, but simply decided to write a series of posts on the history of the development of, tell what the difficulties were and how they were overcome.

Dmitry D.

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