The Internet, with its communities, forums and social networks, has become a great place where you can get useful knowledge, chat on interesting topics and express your opinion.
One of the topics for discussion is beauty. Everybody wants to be beautiful, and young girls and women of age, but nature did not distribute its gifts equally. Someone got a beautiful figure and a beautiful face, someone got only gorgeous hair, and many girls seem to be not deprived, but at the same time there is nothing to brag about.
This state of affairs has always been, and in order to correct their shortcomings, to become better, the girls began to use cosmetics. Today girls have even more powerful means than cosmetics. The beauty industry offers a wide range of services to improve and change your appearance.
If there is an opportunity to improve, why give up? And many do not refuse, they work on themselves on their own, as well as the charms of the beauty industry. As a result, we see transformed actresses, singers, secular lionesses and just girls who love themselves and want to become at least a little more beautiful.
I will not list the names of those who are being discussed for this, there are too many of them and often information about their struggle for beauty may be invented by journalists who are greedy for cheap publications in gloss and blogs. At times, girls, indeed, put too much effort in the struggle for beauty, and sometimes they succumb to unreasonable tendencies - for example, they make too large lips or huge breasts. These are extremes, and it is not necessary to evaluate the entire beauty industry by them and those who want to be transformed with its help. The beauty industry gives you a chance, and you need to use it, not laugh and condemn.
Consider the case of an overweight girl. She suffered from this for a long time, the extra weight prevented her from leading the life she wanted. Anyway, the girl was a pitiful sight. And then the girl devoted herself diligently to fitness and proper nutrition. Thanks to systematic exercises, she brought her figure to a better form and her life changed for the better.
I wonder if there are people who will condemn such a girl? Most likely such people cannot be found in the whole wide world. But there are a lot of people who condemn girls for unnatural beauty, for plasticity. Actually, what difference does it make in which way we get the coveted beauty? If nature did not give us the face we want, then why not use the services of the modern beauty industry and become better?
A rational person is characterized by a striving for beauty and perfection, therefore it is necessary to take advantage, the main thing is to observe the measure and not harm health with your actions. Regarding this harm, many will say - any girl doing plastic is harmful to her health. In some cases, harm is indeed present, but if everything is done according to calculation, then the harm will be very short-term, and soon there will be no trace of it, but beauty will remain with us for many years.
By the way, many more girls are destroying their health with diets than are suffering from the transformations of the beauty industry.
Based on the above, we can conclude that there is no difference how to get beauty, the main thing is to get it, if it is so important for our happiness. After all, beauty in itself does not guarantee happiness.