I would go to the designers, let them teach me!
Education of a designer, fashion designer in Belarus

In Belarus, education in the field of fashion design can be obtained:

• on course
• in secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges
• and in higher educational institutions

An example of a secondary specialized educational institution can be the Minsk State Technological College (Krasnaya str., 19 b), in which there is a specialty "Design and technology of garments" (specialization "Modeling and design of clothes").

You can apply for this specialty both after the 9th and after the 11th grade, as well as having a vocational education, qualification "cutter". The term of study after the 9th grade is about 4 years, after the 11th grade about 3 years. Education is budgetary. By the way, future designers need to be able to draw, and at the Minsk Technological College there are preparatory courses in drawing, paid. You can also study at the Minsk State Technological College for such professions that are close to the world of fashion as a hairdresser, photographer.

Belarusian Fashion Week

Graduated from the Minsk College of Technology, for example, a designer Tatiana Marynich (MARINICH), and she received her higher education at the Institute of Contemporary Knowledge.

Higher education institutions:

Belarusian State Academy of Arts (, which has a department of costume and textiles. The history of the department begins in the distant 1961, when at the department of arts and crafts of the then Belarusian State Theater and Art Institute a department of textile decoration appeared, later transformed into the department of clothing modeling and artistic weaving. The department existed until 1977, in which it was disbanded, and the training of future fashion designers was transferred to the Vitebsk Technological University, which I will tell about below.

However, in 1989, the department of clothing modeling and artistic weaving at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts was restored. In 1998, for example, Ivan Aiplatov graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts with a degree in fashion designer. Today he is a fairly well-known fashion designer.

Institute of Contemporary Knowledge named after A.M. Shirokova (ISZ) - a private educational institution, but quite strong in the field of training future designers. At the design department of the Institute of Modern Knowledge, students are trained in the specialty "Design of costume and fabrics", specialization "Design of garments".

It was in this specialty that the above-mentioned designer Marina Marynich (MARINICH) studied. Belarusian clothing designer Andrey Varashkevich is also a graduate of the Department of Design of AES.

Students of the Institute of Modern Knowledge have repeatedly won prizes at the Admiralty Needle International Fashion Designers Competition (Russia), Russian Silhouette (Russia), the Fashion Mill International Fashion and Photo Festival (Belarus), the White Amphora International Fashion Designers Competition (Belarus).

Belarusian Fashion Week

Vitebsk State Technological University - Art and Technology Faculty, Department of Costume and Fabrics. Specializations:

1. "Design of garments"
2. "Design of footwear and leather goods"
3. "Design of knitwear"
4. "Design of textiles".

It is at the Vitebsk Technological University that the Belarusian designer Lyudmila Tarakanova (TARAKANOVA), a representative of the Moscow school of design, known for her men's collections, teaches (Lyudmila Tarakanova graduated from the A. N. Kosygin Moscow Textile Institute).

Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Vitebsk State Technological University and Institute of Contemporary Knowledge named after A.M.Shirokova - these are the Belarusian universities where you can get a fairly acceptable education in the field of design. In order to enter and study to become a fashion designer, you will need to pass exams in the Russian or Belarusian language (centralized testing), the history of Belarus (centralized testing), by the way, foreign citizens can take world history and creativity, namely drawing and composition ...

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